1. https://giphy.com/gifs/1267Co3vPNBqQU

  2. https://giphy.com/gifs/5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T

  3. https://giphy.com/gifs/l3q2tzon8OCC7BqmY

  4. Bro's lost in the sauce. You think that was upsetting or smth? 😂😂 All good g, good luck on the games you play and try not to cry about randoms you'll never hear or see again using insensitive jokes you can't handle

  5. So essentially holding the company ransom or blackmailing them into selling it to an American company, how completely and utterly democratic, supportive of free speech and rights lmao.

  6. I’m talking about the actual details of what is being given. The vast majority of what you list either saves us money (since we do not have to maintain or dispose of outdated military equipment that we have given to them) or the money stays in the US because it’s required to be spent in the US at US companies. We are not sending them countless pallets of cash to do with whatever they want.

  7. The data would suggest otherwise for example proof that your country just wants to fight a proxy war essentially but it's cool, I respect your opinion nevertheless

  8. What data? And how is helping a sovereign country defend itself from an invader a proxy war? Do you think Ukraine should just let Russia roll in and commit genocide?

  9. Ah I see, as opposed to what's going with Israel and Palestine yea? Give me a break. Brother, it is LITERALLY only EVER about control, power and money.

  10. What's with the interests looking worse and worse in this show? Beck was gorgeous, love was beautiful, then it all went downhill from there. Delilah was very beautiful too.

  11. The real question is... Who gives a flying fuck?

  12. No, literally no. Not even stretch marks. We don't care AT ALL as opposed to what women think. They're fine

  13. Last year I've done it pretty much every SINGLE week. You can go see I packed Messi (friend's reaction to opening my pack). Rank 1 20-0 like 5 times then I started giving 1 win away so 19-1.

  14. Wow! Almost like some controller players are ACTUALLY talented and don't require pure 100% broken AA to perform well. AA needs a nerf and to be reworked.

  15. This is a very dangerous game to be playing...

  16. You could 100% hit anytime you want with this one lol

  17. Average reddit mod try not to get triggered

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