1. I have dropped the game. Its a shame because i was willing to drop a bit of money every season. Use the free tokens and top them off to buy what i need, but this is too much for me.

  2. Team Lead is a technical position. (Or at least it should be.) They typically have managerial responsibilities, but they are a technical person. Expected to be able to code and provide technical leadership.

  3. You are right. Team Lead and Engineering team lead are often the same, but have different names in different companies.

  4. Nincs gyermekelhelyezés, ez a te esetedben már nem használt kifejezés. Szülői felügyelet gyakorlásának rendezése iránti pert indíts meg, ezzel egyidejűleg kérheted a kapcsolattartás szabályozását és a gyermektartásdíj megfizetésére kötelezést is.

  5. Sajnos igen! Magam is válófélben vagyok, és ismerek más apákat is, akik hasonló helyzetben vannak. Nincs semmi kifogás ellenünk, mégis a bírák még mindig elfogultak. A bizonyítékok és tények kevésbé számítanak, mint azok az abszurd dolgok, amiket az anyák mondhatnak a bíróságon. Még egy egyesület is létezik, ami az egyenlő jogokért küzd.

  6. Nem igaz, nem elfogultak. Bárki bármilyen "abszurd dolgot" mondhat a bíróságon, nem csak az anya, de az apa is, mondanak is, méghozzá rendszeresen. Attól még a bíró a bizonyítékokat értékeli egyenként és összességében, és ez alapján dönt.

  7. Végül is, lehet, hogy muszáj lesz. Az ideális azonban az lenne, nem igaz? Megtudom mondani, hogy az első naptól kezdve mindkét anya ügyvédje (kettő volt neki) egyértelművé tette, hogy az anya előnyben van, és csak elfogadnom kellene, amit ajánlanak nekem. Egy ügyvéd, akivel találkoztam, hogy engem képviseljen, ugyanezt mondta (nem választottam őt emiatt, és kicsit sértő módon beszélt az anyáról).

  8. I’ll save you the burden of my bear thesis for Nike. In an attempt to not trigger you further, I will simply say that I don’t think it’s the best investment. It does not provide the best risk adjusted returns at this time and if you keep looking at historical values while ignoring future projections, you won’t find yourself in the best place 3-5 years into the future.

  9. This was a very nice, polite and well structured answer. Kudos!

  10. In general I felt Samantha was "off" this season. I mean her arc.

  11. Nike is just a 'vibe' brand up and down with sponsorship and controversy that hit social media.

  12. How is Nike down when is Nike Air Force 1 on almost everyone's feet??

  13. I am sorry.. I didn't want to judge but I couldn't stop myself.

  14. It's not the only issue. As someone else stated, a lack of sex is typically a symptom, not the cause. I would also add that in a typical relationship, sex is usually a small part of it; however, in a relationship where there is a major difference regarding desire, it can quickly become an outsized issue. I just didn't care to write a book and I didn't think you wanted to read one either. Thanks for your judgement though.

  15. I know that it is a symptom of deeper problems. I agree on that 110%.

  16. the reason for all the palisades and lack of space in WDS is actually the investments/developments going on.

  17. It's not closed, it's being done in phases. Most of it is accessible currently.

  18. And what do you do for 4/6 years old? Because it is a lot of walking for them but they don't use a stroller anymore.

  19. Se estiver disponível no seu exchange dê uma olhadela ao SPYL, tem TER menor e a UP também. Ainda não tem o volume das outras porque é mais recente.

  20. Esse é apenas para empresas americanas, certo?

  21. Também pretendo ir para Budapeste, o Euro vale muito mais que as Coroas Húngaras?

  22. Eu vivo em Budapest por isso o meu problema é o inverso 😁

  23. I will long Ubisoft betting on it getting acquired by Vivendi and/or Tencent in the near future. Vivendi was barred from acquiring Ubisoft shares for 5 years after it sold all its holding in 2019. That restriction is lifted this month if I understand correctly.

  24. This month? Interesting. I was inclined to wait for the results of Q1 to come out, plummer the stock value a bit more and enter then.

  25. It's so interesting to see how many people complain about falling through the map. I have fallen through the map one time. I do feel like it's more of a compatibility issue with Xbox then the actual game itself. PC players have not had the same issues.

  26. This really depends what console you are playing on. Older Xbox is absolutely terrible after level 30. I’ve started 3 worlds, reached level 40-42 on all of them, and at that point the game is completely unplayable. Crashes every 5 minutes, or every single time I fast travel, whichever happens first. Never seen the inside of a dungeon, can’t intersect with any of the merchants because that also causes a crash.

  27. How do you guys even get revives at this point?

  28. I am keeping an eye on Ubisoft. I still expect them to go down more. If the results of the quarter are that bad (skull and bones is a fiasco, but prince of Persia and Avatar had solid sales). Later this year they will have solid income coming from their mobile releases plus the Star Wars open world game.

  29. É a soma das partes. Mas claramente estamos em niveis diferentes, por isso obviamente a tua postura e' mais sustentavel. Como eu disse, sou um newbie. E como tu disseste "es investidor ha varios anos".

  30. A informação que tens é pública? Os raciocínios que fazes para tentar inferir o movimento dos preços não está disponível a todos? Os investidores institucionais terão mais ou menos informação/recursos do que tu? Porque achas que consegues antecipar os movimentos dos preços e os outros não?

  31. Se não fosse pública, seria inside trading não?

  32. Music! Background TV noise! But yes, it is weird. I have two small kids. And usually they demand attention almost constantly. So I am used to be like always on alert and listening mode, just in case. And then they go to their mother, and for the first few hours it feels weird..

  33. I’m using the background TV noise to help sleep and during the day. Music too. I’m doing my best to redirect the negative thoughts to positive ones. I need to really write down a pros list to living alone again. Not just in my head.

  34. I wrote a post like 2 months ago here. About my own takes after a year. Please check it. Maybe you find some good feedback there.

  35. I've raised the concerns to her about if they break up. As usual it falls on deaf ears with her "but it's serious". She's known the guy 8 months and he made a move when she told him we separated. Sorry but knowing someone that sort a time and then six weeks in "it's serious" is a load. She ignored my concerns about it they break up and she can't afford the place. She said if that happens then it's purely her problem. No it's not because half the time our kids live with her. So if she's homeless, then it IS my problem with the kids. It's part of the breakdown of the marriage. She always had to be right, never listened to me and just brushes off my concerns as I just find problems. I'm going to check with broker and see if maybe I can afford to buy her out myself. At least I wouldn't be screwed if someone leaves at its just me. I just don't want the house to be a big legal battle. She's trying to tell me it will negatively affect the kids if I keep the house because with my work the kids apparently won't be able to play with their neighbor friends... like how does that make sense?

  36. I am sorry to tell you, but I don't think he made a move now. I don't think either that their relationship is recent or 6 weeks only...

  37. Qual é o efeito exacto to wsb actualmente?

  38. Eu até acho que o teu ponto 6 reinforca o que eu quis dizer.

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