1. Omg I work with a cackler. It is so shrill and babyish and predictable (ie any time the person she’s talking to finishes a sentence). I try to avoid talking to her and speak very tersely when I do because I do not want to give her a reason to shriek in my face. I know it makes me seem like a bitch but it genuinely jolts my nerves whenever she does it! I’ve exchanged some baffled side eyes with a couple coworkers but most seem unbothered by it or even find it endearing?? Horrible situation

  2. I got fired from my first restaurant job when I was 17. I had a crush on one of the other servers and was trying to look cool and aloof in front of him during our pre shift meeting and the owner thought I was high lol

  3. I know it’s not for everyone but Tree of Life recently made me cry harder than I have in a very long time.. sobbed for like an hour after it ended. Also The Road, Peanut Butter Falcon but in a nice way, and ET

  4. One time I was walking home in NY and a couple of hasidic kids got off of a school bus and started spitting at me. Kind of sad/hilarious that they are being raised to think I am a disgusting person who they can brazenly disparage, but this behavior is fine.

  5. Ughh this is why I shouldn’t scroll Reddit before bed. I’m in my early 30s and pretty lost/unhappy in life and spend just about every waking moment distracting myself from the thought of my inevitable death. I do OK most of the time but god it’s horrific when it really hits me. I usually wind up saying the Lord’s Prayer until it passes and think about whatever trivial obligations I have to tend to in my immediate future, which I guess is a decent enough cope. The best I’ve come up with anyway. We just have to try to be mindful and nice to people and happy while we’re here. Clearly much easier said than done.

  6. I muscled through the first season and thought it was fine. Had zero interest in watching the new one, but my boyfriend likes it so I half-watched a few episodes and it was exactly like you said. I can’t handle the saccharinity, the montages. It’s so contrived… I do work in a kitchen though so I’m a bitter asshole

  7. Lmao me too. I used to have to ride my bike regularly through crown heights and one day a Honda Odyssey made a sharp turn into the bike lane from my left. I slammed the brakes, literally touched the side of the van to stabilize myself and then they turned back into the road and sped off. A cop was right behind them and saw the entire thing. When I asked if he was gonna do anything he just shrugged. I’ve also been spat at by Hasidic children.

  8. Then you're most likely entitled to OT based on cumulative hours at both shops (joint employer doctrine). There may be tax reasons for the employer doing this on their side but it shouldn't affect you. From your perspective it's the same company regardless of where they send you to work physically

  9. While it’s not uncommon to have a person work at various locations for the same owner, they should only be paid from one location and have cumulative hours to account for OT

  10. I would definitely consider that, but I also have a coworker who was asked to go help out at another shop after his shift one day, essentially working a double, so he stayed clocked in since the drive over is roughly 5- 10 mins. He was later scolded for not clocking in separately at the other shop.

  11. Seeing an obnoxiously long line outside of a newly opened shitty overhyped chain food establishment

  12. IMDB doesn’t discuss the type of character each one is.

  13. She’s in an episode of Seinfeld as one of Jerry’s girlfriends and is almost unrecognizable! I’d say her character traits in that episode (a sort of straight-laced, brunette massage therapist) are much different than what we’ve come to expect from her. It’s a smallish role but it’s fun to see her early on in her career

  14. I hate the unnecessary use of “simply.” “I simply am not going to text him.” “I simply don’t want to go to the gym today.” I noticed it online first and now in the wild. Some kind of attempt to sound… aloof? Idk but 95% of the time it sounds idiotic.

  15. I had one years ago and I have not felt anything like it since. Went to an urgent care where they gave me a shot of ketorolac in the ass and when it kicked in I immediately passed out on the exam table, exhausted from vomiting and writhing in pain all afternoon. They sent me home with some pills to dilate my urethra, oxy, and a strainer to pee through. I passed it the next day. It was a bit smaller than a dry peppercorn. Pretty sure I got it from eating a lot of wild game.

  16. The worst trend is the ASMR recipe videos where you hear the deafeningly loud crunch of toasted bread and shit like I honestly feel like I'm getting molested when those videos pop up.

  17. Like the ones that are just quick cuts of them slamming all the individual ingredients down and preparing them all rough and shit? Enraging

  18. I tried keto a few years ago and, while I did lose a bunch of weight, it was pretty miserable and I wouldn’t do it again. Now I just cut out basic carbs like bread, rice, pasta etc when I feel myself going off the rails. I’ll eat “carby” fruits and vegs (sweet potatoes are my best friend) and still feel less sluggish and lose a noticeable amount of bloat in my face/gut.

  19. Not true. He already was diagnosed with lymphoma but after the vaccine the cancer developed more quickly than expected.

  20. The cancer appeared after his initial 2 doses. Article states they were mildly concerned because the tumors appeared on the same side he received the shots but wrote it off as coincidence. They became more confident in their suspicions once he got boosted in the opposite arm and the cancer rapidly spread over to that side too.

  21. You’re not alone. I’m so sick of trying to explain this to people and having them dismissively cite “the algorithm” and making me feel crazy. I fully understand that our various devices communicate with each other, listen to us and track our movements all day, and I can usually trace my sponsored ads back to something I said or googled, or a specific place I was. What I find difficult to explain are things like me being alone and without my phone in the bathroom, noticing a dry patch of skin in the mirror, and later getting an ad for medicated lotion. I do not have chronically dry skin or a history of buying this lotion. Or idly massaging a wrinkle between my eyebrows and then getting an ad for botox minutes later. Or noticing my phone getting a little grimy and then seeing an ad for q-tips showing someone cleaning electronics. I consider myself a pretty rational person and, like I said, I normally have no problem tracing back/explaining my targeted ads. But some of these instances really make me think there has to be something else going on.

  22. I downloaded this video like 5 months ago because I fear that one day they just gonna delete it. Very important video.

  23. I feel the same way. A true source of comfort/nostalgia for me...just gorgeous.

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