1. Vast Nomai Empire spanning thousands of galaxies. They heard a weird signal. Figured out the signal was older than the universe. A research team was sent to locate it, but crashed, forcing them to jettison and land across this system. Everyone tries to survive for a while and get contact with other groups, exploring their planets and doing research. Eventually they are able to meet up, share research and start collaborating on finding the eye again. The Ash Twin project was only for finding the eye, not blowing everyone up like the comments in here suggest. The plan is to activate the core and fire the cannon, and if they missed, they would just reset their memories and try again. But a safety feature was built in, that the core would activate in the event the sun went supernova or sine other catastrophic event. They all died before they could finish though, which is why only one mask got activated, Solonum spared as he was at the eye, having found his way through the quantum.

  2. Just to let you know, the Interloper had no bearing on the sun exploding. The universe and thus every sun had reached the end of their lifespans, exploding naturally.

  3. Where was Gondor when the world came out and it wasn’t a big thing in terms but the game is a little different than what you can play with it in terms and it was really good to have it on board and it is really fun and it is very good to play it on the board.

  4. He’s standing and defending a small, unpopulated corner of the Cosmodrome. He needs to be rescued by doing something completely avoidable and getting captured by what is barely a strike boss. His Spine is fake.

  5. Being optimistic, I think I’ll enjoy Lightfall. New subclass. Grapple hooks. New enemies. Big new area. Grapple hooks. All of those changes to LFG and loadouts, bringing off-game stuff into the UI. It’s exciting, and (I fucking hope) it will bring my interest back to Destiny.

  6. One of the few times I teared up watching/reading JoJo. Even though I’ve read beyond 6, this still hit really hard.

  7. its nothing compared to what happend to me that day

  8. That’s why you never give beggars anything. I think it’s better to give to those that don’t ask/very polite new players, telling them to return the favor to someone else in the future.

  9. i will never judge a whole community by the action of one toxic player.

  10. That’s fair, I guess I didn’t consider that some beggars are simply begging because they genuinely have no clue where to go in this overwhelming game’s start. I’ll try to look at it half-full more, friend.

  11. this set is iconic and i was really looking forward to it, but I'm left with dissapointment. I don't know what d2's obsession is with making our guardians unactractive but whatever man i hardly play this game anymore

  12. Are you seriously malding because you don’t get to see your Hunter’s breast curve?

  13. Challenge yourself. Use a weapon combo you never use or you never see people use. Have one mission where you use nothing but unmodded weapons with zero overclocks.

  14. I like it, but I preferred God of War. I like both a similar amount though. Either could have won, in my eyes.

  15. Armstrong could be a straight up cat name. Don’t even have to say “The Metal Gear Nanomachines Guy”, could just say he’s named after the astronaut lol

  16. So u like to play on 200+ Ping and tryhard ur ass off just to go 1kda

  17. Looks great What's the purple color the one at her "skirt", if i can call it that?

  18. Looks like it could be the Eminence color palette that Baro sold a week ago when he brought back a bunch of stuff for Crossplay. A lot of good purples and blues in that one.

  19. I still can't figure out how to reliably trigger the skill. It charge it up, and jump around like a goof without flying. Until I do.

  20. I didn’t get it until I messed around with it. They don’t make it immediately clear.

  21. Bungie, I’m begging, on my hands and knees

  22. For real, these past few armor sets and ornaments have looked really good.

  23. What’s with Bungie all of a sudden setting out all this drip?

  24. First Cowboy gear complete with hats, the arrival (FINALLY) of Arc ornaments, the really good Assassins Creed crossover, and now this? Bungie is spoiling us.

  25. Lloyd manages to have an even more robotic stare as he is told story after story, clearly he doesn’t get paid enough for this.

  26. Its an entirely different genre, but the Total War: Warhammer series is the exact game you're describing. Wood Elves live in magical forests around the world, defending them from invaders and corruption, and building power to heal the great trees.

  27. I’ve heard that one of the Vermintide games is very close to this post, honestly looks like a fun game. Might pick it up.

  28. The whole of DRG is going on right under the topsoil. They couldn't care less, except when a drop pod ruins a cornfield.

  29. I mean, technically Mk1 is just that, but I’m sure you meant with the cool “ears” and stuff.

  30. Ash, Volt, Nekros and Frost are some the most valued frames currently (in terms of plat)

  31. is wukong prime any good? i’m able to build him, same goes for nova and trinity prime i think. idk which primes are still considered strong anymore 😅

  32. Wukong’s great for fast stuff still (Exterminates, Captures, Spy). He’s also just generally a solid frame.

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