1. Both my parents recently died and this type of humor really helps me keep going. I find it hilarious

  2. The LC side bang braid was actually pretty cute though (or maybe I’m delusional because I was obsessed and wore mine like that all the time in highschool 😂) and really thin/not super far off to the side. Like something you did with your sidebangs when they were greasy LOL. Ariana’s was…. Something else. A different breed altogether.

  3. I just felt vindicated when James pointed out that the brown was dyed too. I noticed it looked kind of off and too warm toned earlier in the season.

  4. And also Dicks! The Musical. He only had a bit part but it’s still cute they were both in it. I saw him do a show in 2012 or 13 at my college and he mentioned his hot wife a few times and it was so cute

  5. Fucking yes. He talks and you both curl up and die inside AND sit up and pay attention.

  6. the generation that grew up sitting at home on their smart phones/tablets is aging faster than the one that came of age during 9/11, multiple wars, and recessions due to "stress"

  7. I feel like it has more to do with style and social media! I looked like a gen z 10 year old when I was 16 because I wasn’t trying to keep up with social media trends and the looks older women had. We aged slower because we weren’t trying to age ourselves up for the gram. That’s my theory

  8. Nah when I say "let me know if you need anything" I actually want them to let me know so I can do the thing.

  9. No dude you don’t get it until you’re in that crisis. Both my parents died recently and I legit could not think of what I needed. To everyone who said “let me know what I can do” I just glitched. People who have been there offer “can I send you food?” Oh my god yes food please. I did not understand this until recently but it’s absolutely insane what grief does to your brain and your ability to think.

  10. Thank you for your perspective. If any of my friends are in crisis in the future (god forbid) I'll try to be more proactive.

  11. i never understood how is it "selfish" to not have kids. like how can i be selfish towards someone that doesn't even exist lmao

  12. And if I am so “selfish” doesn’t that mean I shouldn’t have kids??

  13. it was suspenseful but the reveal at the end being an anime character had me cracking up

  14. Oh my! The ghost is a bashful seductive big titted anime woman! I don’t even know what that was supposed to prove what the hell is a ghost filter??

  15. T-pain didn’t need autotune. Autotune needed T-pain.

  16. Oh this is fantastic! She’s so cute and quick and I love how she laughs so hard she coughs and cries

  17. My diverse group of friends are probably on a watch list for all the racists jokes we make about each other. Shit would make an activists brain short-circuit.

  18. Dark humor is the way to go baby! You should hear some of the material my sis and I have about our recently deceased parents 😂

  19. GENUINELY. I remember the first time I saw her give that speech about Poussey’s death on OINTB and it gave me absolute chills. It was obvious we were watching one of the greats of our generation and it is so amazing to see her being recognized!

  20. This isn't dark this is smart af. Change your will now!!

  21. No no beneficiary!! Wills mean your funds have to go through probate and be up for creditors and taxes. If you put beneficiaries on every penny of your accounts it saves months if not years of headaches for your grieving family!! Pass this knowledge on!

  22. Been skimming the comments for someone to mention this !

  23. Omg she’s getting divorced too!! They just started going out.

  24. A music therapist came to visit my mom in hospice the other day when she was just about in a coma. It brought smiles to her face and it was just so genuinely beautiful. Music is magic.

  25. I never comment on anything. I'm glad to hear that you shared that beautiful moment with your mom. All the best for you and your family.

  26. Awww thanks for bringing me back to this comment and that moment. Grief comes in waves and I’m in a bit of a sad moment and that made me smile. Best to you and yours friend

  27. He seems to be a good guy who wants to do the right thing. I feel like he will either end up dead or at least blackmailed. I’m sure he’ll tell Omar and chaos will ensue.

  28. I hope so much happens with him! He was like such a random side character who had to watch Omar and Joel’s messy asses the whole time and was like “y’all are nuts!” I felt like he was me the whole season. I want more of him!

  29. Awww! My mom just passed a few days ago and she said we’d know she was there with gentle breezes. Wind beneath my wings was her song with her mom. Thanks for sharing that 💕

  30. Our moms were cut from the same cloth! Those first few days are so hard, I'm sorry for your loss. My mom used to make wind sounds to put us to sleep when really little, she was oddly good at it (similar to airy whistling.) It worked so well that we would eventually protest when she would ask if we wanted to hear the wind blow, we knew we were being putting to sleep!

  31. Oh wow! Your mom sounds absolutely delightful! So sorry for your loss as well

  32. Yes, and who made these poor girls think they should wear those because otherwise they are not ok or something?

  33. lol these women weren’t made to think anything. Dudes wear tank tops more when they’re working on their arms. Girls wear things to show off what they’ve worked on too. It’s nice to feel good about yourself but it’s annoying when men think that you’re doing it for them.

  34. Men with nice arms wear clothes that reveal their arms to show them off to other people and look attractive. Just like women do with their ass

  35. I said to someone else tho I think some dudes just take it to being all about their reactions to it. Not all women do it to show off just like not all men do. Some just say “wow look what I did I look great!” And feel confident and go out on the street thinking not what other people are thinking about them but how they themselves are feeling. Everyone just needs to mind their own business and just not be so weird to each other.

  36. We never speak about this!! The fake accent!! Was she making words up? The mom hitting her!!

  37. Yeah it’s one of the weirder things I’ve seen and it never seems to be mentioned!

  38. I have no idea where this blue collar man stealers trend came from but…I do not believe any women are fighting over these men.

  39. My husband is a carpenter and is like…super nice and clean…these ladies are just being mommies to big children.

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