1. For me the reason is stupid. It's the sound of that fucking sword hitting the fucking zombies. I love the pitiful sounds they make, and I love the thunk as my sword hits them. It's so visceral. I like watching them stagger. I like watching them reel while I prepare a second dose of punishment.

  2. The sound of those shrimp centipede fukers dying is music to my

  3. So narrow minded they fail to understand other people have completely thought process

  4. The worst possible moment for a person of faith is when they ask God for help and nothing happens

  5. I like it. It makes it feel less videogame-y and more realistic and natural

  6. I wish NPCs were a little less vague about what I am supposed to do.

  7. He didnt pray because he is pissed? Or didn't pray because she is "lowly" and doesn't deserve praying for?

  8. I think it ended strong, personally.

  9. My apologies. I wanted to compile all the clips and wanted to pass the message that freedom is our birthright. I find this music to be kind of inspiring. If you have a better song that I can put in the background, please suggest it for my upcoming posts.

  10. iPhone and all Apple products feel awkward and inconvenient, apple made headphones they are good but comes without an aux cable if you want to plug them into computer you gonna buy it separately for 25 dollars

  11. This is sub a shithole my posts get deleted all the time because they are not long enough, I just want to ask about something or vent or looking for someone who gets my issue.

  12. Unfortunately the UN and other organizations can't interfere, shit went down in Sudan and all what they did is say things like "this is wrong , we do not approve of that" nothing else.

  13. You have no idea how many steps I took to school everyday

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