1. Guys guys guys, he probably flipped a coin. If the coin spaketh unto him and said “Run Jim Bob for I, the Lincoln penny, am with thee”, who was he to disobey?

  2. Yeah, I’ve never met an Evelyn that wasn’t at least 70. And there are so many dogs named Luna that it doesn’t seem like a human name to me anymore lol

  3. I used to like the name Evelyn but then I got involved in an elder care program and the 95 year old Evelyn I worked with was the most awful human I’ve ever met. She had estranged her entire family, and literally no one cared when she died. She had one daughter who she hated, and her daughter just came to town to settle her estate and left. I don’t think she had a funeral or memorial. It was one of the most depressing things I’ve ever seen; to know that not one single person mourned your death, in fact it was a relief to everyone who knew you.

  4. I've worked in a couple of nursing homes, and this is exactly what I have against Evelyn, as a name. Nearly every elderly Evelyn I met was a b*tchy diva. It was the weirdest thing.

  5. I won’t go into details. I once had a friend I considered close. Asked me to write a letter to court I was very uncomfortable with. It’s worse than immigration. I had my name dragged thru the mud. I will never fault or get on Josie’s case about it. Never. We all have our own lives and repercussions. Those letters never ever go away.

  6. Dude, that Ashton Kutcher thing is so bad. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt about his friend of 30 years and knowing headlines don’t tell the whole story etc etc but a couple days ago I read all the victim impact statements. What that piece of breathing garbage did to those women was unconscionable. And then how he taunted them, essentially admitted he did it, and was protected by Scientology….layer upon layer of physical and mental abuse. Absolutely disgusting.

  7. A funny poodle story. A few weeks ago an older couple came to the garden nursery i work at. They had a little poodle puppy who was very interested in our greenhouse kitty Betty White. Betty hates dogs. The dog dad scooped up jasper and proceeded to tell him that the cat would destroy him. Which isn’t far from the truth. Destroy him with her glowering until he left.

  8. Dang it. Now I really really really want to get a cat so I can make her Betty White.

  9. Jessa went from looking like a movie star to having a replica of her fathers face real quick. I guess that’s what happens when you worship him and act like him.

  10. Also happens when you have a bunch of kids really close together. Source: me. Used to get asked all the time if I was a model or actress. Nobody asks anymore lol.

  11. Theodore 🤢 it makes me think of a puffy cloud IDK why

  12. This one cracks me up. Theodore is a bit stuffy but Theo is adorable. Puffy cloud 😂

  13. With due respect, and I really mean that, those lyrics don’t sound as deep as you think they do. They read more like a 16 year old found a thesaurus.

  14. Also all due respect and I honestly do mean that, what lyrics do you think do sound deep?

  15. What???? That is beyond horrible. I would think any man who refused to wait 6 weeks or so after is terrible. Right after birth is criminal

  16. At my six week checkup after delivery my doctor asked if we had had sex. I looked at her incredulously and she said, “You would not believe how many people come to their six week checkup pregnant again.” My husband wanted to wait eight weeks and even then he was extremely nervous about hurting me. He saw what happened down there! I cannot imagine someone demanding sex after something that physically traumatic. Omg what about stitches omg omg

  17. Unfortunately, they grow out of it when they can verbalize the concept of “neither”. Ah, good times, gone too soon.

  18. That’s when the careless “Welp, you can either choose who puts you to bed or I’ll choose” approach comes in 😄 9/10 times my kids will wrest back control of that choice real quick.

  19. Idk, is she really sure it wasn’t just Jed! in a long wig?

  20. I’m so relieved those boys look healthy now. Sometimes some people on this sub can get a tad hysterical about a kid looking malnourished or abused but I’ve never seen anything like those two babies when she was bragging about EBF and they literally looked like they were starving. Not figuratively. Literally. I just hope she learned from them and this next baby doesn’t have to go through that.

  21. The sparrow laid her eggs, hatched them, watched her babies grow up and fly away, and died an appropriate bird-aged death in the time it took Karissa sing one verse.

  22. Great. I'm the opposite. Just want to be with my wife, But we are literally discussing getting separated, so we can have some hope. The kid is better 1 on one, and this could help him. Right now, we don't see any hope of having a family without a day screaming, lies, manipulation, gaslighting, etc. Etc. Etc. 😭

  23. I’m so very sorry. What a horrible situation for everyone involved. Forgive my question if too personal, but is a long term psychiatric facility an option?

  24. We have discussed this. Spent years feeling alone in this. We finally found a couple who has a son almost exactly like ours. Only he just turned 18 and our son is 14. Their son has been in mental facilities as well as juvenile jail. He just got out after turning 18 and I think they are not allowing him home. It's all just so so sad! Thank you

  25. I cannot begin to imagine the complexities of your feelings and emotions both in the past and in considering the future. Love and strength from a random internet stranger.

  26. Yes when he released “Fancy Like” I did like a quadruple take. I couldn’t believe that was the guy from the proposal 😂😂

  27. So her child needs to run track and not co-sleep. Super helpful suggestions. That’ll fix the issue. 🧐

  28. I am dying picturing a desperate mom yelling at her toddler on the racetrack. “Another lap! It’s only been 45 minutes! You have another hour and fifteen! Go go go!”

  29. I hope so. Otherwise the recommendation boils down to getting a treadmill for that toddler. Hours a day. Lol

  30. I legit double checked to see if I was accidentally in a dog sub. Then I thought it was someone being snarky. Then I thought maybe it’s…a legitimate comment?

  31. As someone who has had fibromyalgia since age 16, then Long COVID with ME/CFS since 2021, no. Therapy might help deal with the symptoms but it will not cure them. Just…just no.

  32. https://giphy.com/gifs/8YEeD1WB5FeyAiONoe

  33. Thank you. 🤍 It was definitely the scariest moment of my life, but he's a healthy, 5'7, 200lb 15 year old today, and I'm thankful for the team of medical staff that acted so quick in order to save both of our lives.

  34. I read this too fast and thought it said “I am a healthy 5’7” 200 lb 15 year old today” and I was like “Respectfully…your age may have had something to do with what happened and also please PM me and let me know if you need help” 😂 I’m so glad I went back and reread that.

  35. I was raised this way as a kid and…yes. My parents had an exorcism over me when I was like 5 bc I had night terrors and they thought I was possessed. (Turns out I just have anxiety and sleep issues, even 25+ years later)

  36. Do you believe demons hyperfocus on individuals the way Britney claims the demons target her? Again, a serious question, actual a two parter. If yes, then why do you think Britney has so many encounters with demons?

  37. Hi 👋🏼 Christian here too. In the Bible it definitely talks about demons persecuting a specific person. But not like this. This chick is casting out and being pummeled by so many demons that it would freak out a haunted house.

  38. I didn’t know “I can’t afford root touchups” was a stylistic power play. Also hahaha at “dark blonde”, girl your hair is mousy brown

  39. My hair gets lighter in the summer and people always say I’m a dark blonde and I’m like….no, I’m a slightly lighter mousy brown. I’m not even dark enough to call myself a brunette. It’s just…brown. And I love it. It works great with my skin tone. I imagine her natural hair probably would too. Honestly I do not understand destroying your hair and your wallet so you can keep your trashy extensions and bottle blonde look. It doesn’t look better. In fact I’m going to say it’s demonic since that’s what we say when we don’t like things right??

  40. The Gosselin kids and family got torn apart from TLC and worked brutal hours too.

  41. The Gosselin family got torn apart by their narcissistic and abusive mother.

  42. Myka Stauffer. She literally asked on an adoption group what birth defects/special needs wouldn’t be too much work. Then when their son turned out to have extremely severe issues, including reactive attachment disorder, she literally got rid of him. Scrubbed him from her channels and tried to act like he never existed, until so many people called her out she couldn’t ignore it anymore.

  43. Not possible. At some point, the fecal matter back up into your digestive system and you vomit the fecal matter.

  44. "What's he saying?" - every single character on every single page of every single book, whether they are talking or not.

  45. OMG I feel this SO MUCH. I have three kids and we read a story or a chapter of a book every night. One of them will ask “What’s that guy saying” as I am literally reading aloud “He said _______”. Then I have to reread “He said ___________”. Then the next sentence will be “He was upset because—“

  46. Years ago I was babysitting a two year old who was going through this phase. We were playing in the living room and looked up to see a postman leaving a package on the porch. The main door was open but the storm door was shut, so we could see him clearly. He gave a little wave and 2 shouted “What’s your name?” He looked befuddled. I’m not sure if he really heard her or not. So she asked me “What’s his name?” I said “I don’t know, baby.” She stared thoughtfully at his departing back as he walked away and then said “Can we call him Davey?”

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