1. You sound like a tremendous pussy. Did your significant other get knocked out when giving birth?

  2. Yeah three weeks is torture. It’s bad enough this is the last season but to draw out the next episode for three sucks sucks moose balls! 😭

  3. “We can’t do anything else for you” sounds like socialist healthcare deciding “we aren’t going to spend any more money treating you”.

  4. Exactly! This is what socialized medicine looks like. So glad we don’t have that here.

  5. If he had full coverage on the car, push the car down the road somewhere call in and tell them you hit something in the road it could have been a stick or whatever, even a pothole. Blame that on the timing belt ripping. Coming from a mechanical background I know that's very slim chance but it has happened in the off-road world. But most insurance adjusters will have no idea.

  6. Ct was the rainiest state in the lower 48 last year. Gotta defend our crown.

  7. I’m so sick of the rain. I have Ménière’s disease and my hearing totally sucks with this weather.

  8.  Ever wonder why it’s hard to find good workers . We have taught a generation that if it’s hot no school if it’s cold no school.. eclipse go home early .. just wondering does anyone not have to work In those conditions ? 

  9. Machiavelli’s also got in trouble for serving underage, and for people bringing nips in & mixing their own drinks in the bathroom. That bar has always been trashy and I knew a name change wasn’t going to make a difference

  10. I remember Machiavelli’s. What is it about that location that it attracts so many trashy people? 🤦🏼‍♀️

  11. I’m curious if there’s a detour you can take? That bridge is gone for mist likely a year at least.

  12. That thing sucks. Mine passed the OnVue checks but during my first exam it kept crashing saying a prohibited application started. Turned out it was Dropbox on another user profile. I would highly recommend if you are able, taking the exam at a testing center. After my previous experience with the remote proctor I never want to do that again.

  13. I took Stephane Maarek’s course on Udemy. Passed the first time. You need to understand the core services and how they work with each other.

  14. Not bad for a rainy Saturday. Got a chocolate peanut butter cream pie from Costco for a pot luck at work next week.

  15. Pretty good. Assembled a new cat tree for my not-mechanically-inclined friend, went home to make dinner and found a freshly baked cherry pie on the counter.

  16. I guarantee you they did. Idiots! Hopefully they think twice about doing that again.

  17. God, this made me laugh, thank you. Can't find that thread anymore - was it deleted? At any point did that dude stop being a dumbass?

  18. A guy in an Audi was flying, must have been doing 100, and weaving in and out of traffic yesterday. Scared the crap out of me when he almost hit me.

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