1. Hey guys what should I have for dinner? Pasta or Pizza I can't decide

  2. Just finished the game and thought I'd do one last thing which is to have a full on Police chase but ran into this same problem. I think its starting the DLC thats caused the bug, ive reloaded multiple saves and I can only get NCPD chases on the saves before starting DLC, anything after doesnt work. Sadge, oh well. Had a blast tho.

  3. I think you want cast speed on flasks. Also get cool down reduction on boots

  4. have you tried spellblade support with breath of the council? seems to be a pretty popular and solid choice

  5. I tried it on POB with a custom item, It barely changed much on there. But I might give it a go. I've respec some points in the mean time and got some Chaos dot multi jewels, which gives it a decent boost.

  6. Im gonna take the bait and start out Jungroan arma brand recall to make some money then I really wanna try that maxed out impending doom pathfinder. I know I could probably just start and make money for vixens with poison conc but i really dont like that skill man.

  7. I think this woman would be really good at playing the guitar

  8. What is this new trend of tik-tok where they pretend to be on a podcast? I keep seeing them. The podcast doesnt exist, the clip is all that exists. What is it about the setting that makes clips like these do so well? Its so fucking weird to me.

  9. This is now the greatest losing margin England have ever had at Twickenham

  10. Honestly, being a wales supporter you should take joy in what ever you can I guess

  11. If he doesnt stick is arm out there, thats gonna be a head on head. These rules really need looking at. Thats a poor tackle technique thats then rewarded. insane

  12. Seems more like he backed up into the box and realized it was overstocked, so went to move it somewhere else. Any box that breaks that easily is a shitty box tbh.

  13. Yup I'm pretty sure that's what it was aswell, not 100% as it was a while ago. My movement does look real sus looking back tho. I dunno if I ripped it, wasn't in trouble, my boss at the time even laughed when they saw this vid.

  14. Early reports saying he was on info wars apparently, also people seem to think he is wearing yeezys. So maybe not far off, probably find out more soon.

  15. Dude realised that King Crimson had activated and got the hell outta there

  16. I wouldn't mind an hd-2d version of that game at this point, with impressive graphics and minimal issues in exchange for the complete 3d visual.

  17. Give me a pokemon game with the octopath aesthetic and I'll eat that shit up

  18. I used to watch otv a while ago and kept up the the content but never really sat watched poki streams Poki has always been considered "controversial" and I've never really understood why. Has she made mistakes? Sure ( saying a slur one time years ago, copyright drama and then streaming unlicensed content are pretty much the only ones I know of) but in my eyes she's one of the least controversial, in her actions, on twitch. People hold her to a much higher account then any other streamer (e.g pewdiepie controversy: slurs, ad-pocalypse and fiver drama, which was extremely distasteful, google it, its pretty bad) and sometimes I really wonder why that is. So yes criticism is "valid" but you have to understand that there IS a problem online right now regarding the issues women face and poki is at the top so it would make sense that she gets most of the hate. Sure people just don't like her thats fine. But there are many communities out there that make it their life goal to get people to harass her (keem and especially the quartering)

  19. Never watched a stream of Poki but I have seen the earlier days of her community. Lots of people who went too far. But the fact I've heard she is now labeling issues regarding her, on which she has been called out by viewers and other streamers alike under "Female Streamer Issues" aint a great way to stay in the positive light on people.

  20. Generally curious, what mistakes has she hidden? behind the "Female Streamer issues" Most of these that are bought up from time to time from other people (like voice chat in games) I tend to agree with.

  21. Hi, think I'll give this a go this league, I've always wanted to craft my own gear but always felt that why should i bother if i can just trade for it, didnt want to do SSF as I like availability of uniques. One question is how quickly do shaper/elder/sirus uniques become available for trade? (not uber just normal verison)

  22. I have a question, what in the actual f- is an ARG ?

  23. Alternate Reality Game, you should google it and look it up - a good example would be the majora's mask AD campaign/ oxenfree there are really good youtube videos about them. But beware, its a huge rabbit-hole to dive into

  24. Shock. The media have been cooking him up to eventually take over the Leadership for this moment anyway:

  25. https://www.thenational.scot/news/18620765.bbc-slammed-portraying-rishi-sunak-superman/

  26. I was so excited to play an orb of storms build with another lighting skill as inquisitor when the manifesto dropped, but they already nerfed it so sad

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