1. Very cool but the blood doesnt look very liquid-ey. More like a goo.

  2. Codex is around the corner, new mega mek gets released and gw likes money.

  3. Die würde ich definitiv wegschmeißen. Dass da überhaupt was ein/austreten kann bedeutet, dass die Glasur undicht ist und sich im schlimmsten Fall auflöst weil sie nicht Lebensmittelecht ist. Man kann nicht jede Glasur für Gegenstände benutzen die mit Lebensmitteln in Kontakt kommen.

  4. So the only humans alive might be kids under the age of 5. Got it.

  5. Nope, they have certainly lied at least once at that age. Also babies and toddlers will be unbelievers. Tough luck i guess.

  6. Children are NOT accountable until the age of 12/13.

  7. Well it's not like the god of the bible spared children in past stories like in sodom, noahs flood, king davids infant son etc.

  8. wdym tiny? Thats about as big as infantry units get in 40k 😂

  9. Female, American, around 30, left leaning politically, living alone, probably got a boring 9-5 job that nontheless pays pretty well. Lives in a kind of big city.

  10. Remapped Weapon Group 6 to Spacebar, 3 On thumb button, 4 and 5 on Q and E. Jump jets went to left shift.

  11. Excellent conversion. Whats it supposed to be? The only fitting thing I could think of is a Kill Tank.

  12. It literally says gorkanaut in the title 😅

  13. No. It says Grotanaut. It's too big to be a Gorkanaut and has too many guns and not enough Close combat weapons to be a Gorkanaut.

  14. Ich finde es eher unglaublich anmaßend als weiße Person so eine Diskussion loszutreten. Damit unterstellt man der betroffenen Kultur, dass sie a) in dieser Form geschützt werden will und b) dass sie es nicht selbst tun kann.

  15. Nachtrag: Bitte die Stühle nicht bestuhlen und bei Bestuhlung bitte unbedingt wieder entstuhlen!

  16. Nice. Looks like you've got that brush control down. Now learn a few shading/highlighting techniques and those models will really shine.

  17. Seems like he's keeping himself busy by single handedly keeping comp DA above 40% winrate.

  18. You're fine but that lip colour is too pink/pale compared to your face.

  19. Eyebrows too thin, Lips too thick, Lip Piercing doesnt work with those inflated lips.

  20. I'd roast her but she looks like she already took care of that herself.

  21. Well. You can hardly blame the Veterans that they want to play pure props. When we started back then we basically had only 2 jet br brackets with the sabre and mig-15 being top tier and the grind to top tier was just as long as today. Not everyone enjoys the shiny new stuff at top tier.

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