1. If they keep flying that way I suppose they'll eventually reach Iran, right? With all the earth's rotation and all

  2. Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer?

  3. Don't expect people to act like they care about their own ten commandments when there is a lynching at stake.

  4. Never let the ten commandments get in the way of a good lynching

  5. I don't know what that means, but I agree

  6. Everything is good marketing if you’re brave enough

  7. Whoa, a high-octane blue machine, and the Renault R26

  8. Does anyone by any chance have the subtitle file for the episode? The missus wouldn't watch it without one 🙃

  9. here are subs from the 1080p version :)

  10. I suppose a city that looks nothing like his city, like Alburquerque

  11. If they the Heelers do sells the house, that would solve the ageing problem for the show, right? Because any new episodes (that features the house) means it at the time where the kids are always 7 and 4/5

  12. Recently in Kyoto people have been taking pictures of/with geisha, touching them, etc. leading to a ban on tourists in one of the areas, people have vandalised temples carving their names into them, avoiding train fares, etc. But because of the weak yen and popularity of Japan in recent years, there’s been A LOT of tourists here, especially in contrast to how it was during covid. Trust me, I love seeing people experience and enjoy my culture. Theres just been some bad apples that can sour things.

  13. I’ve seen a news headline of the tourist ban in Kyoto, but didn’t read anymore into it. Think I’m gonna do that, now that it’s been a few days since. Why just in that one area? Is that place very important in keeping the Geisha culture alive?

  14. From what I understand it’s just one private street that had been opened up to the public, but recently due to too many impolite tourists they decided to close it off again to protect the geisha. Geisha are entertainers by profession, but if they’re walking outside that’s because they have places to go, not because they’re street performers. Please don’t let it scare you off from visiting Kyoto though! It’s a beautiful city with rich history.

  15. Thanks! Hopefully I’ll get to visit the country one day

  16. Winston Churchill’s first political speech was made in support of sex workers.

  17. if I had a nickel for every time I see Shantel VanSanten in a superhero show (including in this Heroes reboot scenario), I'd have three nickels - which wouldn't be a lot, but it'd be weird that it happened thrice

  18. Normal Thursday nights in the ye olde tavern

  19. I'm from Malaysia actually. Hello fellow friends!

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