1. A more bitter, annoyed, depressed person that happens to have a higher net worth so I can be bitter, annoyed and depressed on nicer vacations couple times a year.

  2. the reddit crowd doesnt want to hear this, and I get it, they want what their parents had. But everytime the same few "up and coming" towns get mentioned people ignore it

  3. People don't understand that what we have had in the US for the last 40 years isn't Capitalism. It is a combination of Corporatism and Cronyism. Big business bought the government and is running the nation in a way which benefits them at the expense of 99% of the population. Voting at the federal level is just about worthless because the rigged nominations process assures only pre-approved members of the insiders club get on the ballot. There is a way to fix it, but that involves pitchforks and torches and the American people just aren't angry enough to do that... yet.

  4. And when they are ready they’ll blame the immigrant’s and LGBT+ communities for some reason.

  5. She shot a guy with a knife…not exactly that dangerous. Hero is a bit of a stretch. Let’s relax. Not like he had an AR. Am I being too honest?

  6. I blackmailed a fortune 500 company that I used to work for, threatened to tell the irs about squandered company funds, used to buy prostitutes. I also threw in a sexual harassment lawsuit as threat, saying my boss used to touch my no no area.

  7. “My no go area.” What a way to describe your private parts.

  8. Good point. I've been burnt out for a while. And the reality is. I don't care anymore.

  9. Dang do you work for my company or does every company have the same BS leadership? lol. Congrats on the deal!

  10. Tell your clients that your features are better than the others, even if they are all the same.

  11. Listen - im not saying what im not saying... but ... Doug left RIM in 2007. The timing of his departure along with his knowledge of the p2p networking model from blackberry would provide him the knowledge, money, and time to develop a new currency perhaps. Something decentralized, online...you get my drift.

  12. I tell them I’m from the Jersey shore and when they start making jokes about me being Italian from the Jersey shore I roll my eyes and talk about something else.

  13. I got “that sucks.” It wasn’t even a joke… then I said aren’t you from Ohio?!? Dafuq

  14. Take courses, learn from top sellers, read. You can get better.

  15. I would do some searches on Google and even LinkedIn for your specific niche like for me is enterprise SaaS sales. Pclub.io is a great one. I hired a coach. I would ask Reddit make a post and ask for advice on good courses.

  16. Money buys options and the right to say no to things you don’t want to do.

  17. Yes money does buy options…Call options and put options…maybe I spend too much time on WallstreetBets.

  18. Why you paying $125 for internet? I pay $40 for 300mb. Also why is your electric bill so high? Also yeah get rid of that car for a cheaper option.

  19. Greece. The islands especially.

  20. I say let them keep thinking we suck. Keeps the crowds and cost of living from getting even worse than they are.

  21. Newark being a smelly shithole is great for this

  22. Good luck my guy. Her spending, like your gaming is an emotional reflex sometimes a coping mechanism from stress. So you’ll have to figure out some incentive or fun replacement that cost less. That or find ways to make more money. You can buy XYZ, but let me help you sell the old stuff in the basement

  23. Because they have the loudest “microphones” on platforms and all media to tell you to shut up and get back to work.

  24. Straight cis white male, age 45+. I experienced significant ageism in tech - so much so that I ended up leaving the field altogether after taking an offer to leave last November before a big round of layoffs followed a few months later. I definitely noticed I stopped getting promotions, then found it impossible to get good job offers and ultimately even interviews, despite a good track record of career accomplishment. I’m in a new field now, making less money but much happier.

  25. 4 men found dead in KFC parking lot due to sodium overdose

  26. I am in sales and sell to Fortune 500 and all my calls are with people in India. Way more than 2 years ago. Also a lot are being replaced with AI.

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