1. Yes, petrified wood! Beautiful uniform piece.

  2. Lupins, my favourite flower! June-July is lupin season here in Nova Scotia, the government seeded them in ditches all over the province long ago. For a solid month all the roads and highways are surrounded by bright pink and purple! The flowers have a distinctive peppery scent.

  3. Leggings. Dresses when i have the strength to actually shave my legs

  4. Idk, somewhere between no assholes here and everybody sucks. You're not obligated to take in your niece and nephew for the summer, and it's really entitled for BIL and SIL to expect it. The way that BIL has responded now that it isn't happening is pretty foul, and he definitely sounds like an asshole. You're also doing a really selfless thing taking in what sounds like kids in a really difficult set of circumstances. On the other hand as far as your niece and nephew are concerned it feels awfully like you're throwing them overboard because a better offer came along. I don't know what you had planned for the summer with the kids, if it was just going to be hanging around or if there were some fun trips and activities planned that the kids already knew about— regardless, if the kids were looking forward to it and excited for it, it does feel like an asshole move on your part to take that away. I get that circumstances change, but kids also remember when you break a promise to them, and that just signifies you're not an adult they can trust in the future. It sounds like you guys made the choice that's best for you, but you'll probably be sacrificing the relationship with your niblings going forward, so that's a choice you'll have to live with.

  5. This is the most important part OP, stop focusing so much on the adults in this situation. I can understand where everyone is coming from here, but don't forget about your niece and nephew who are very young and likely feeling very heartbroken and disappointed over the broken promise, as well as being made to feel like strange kids are more important to you then they are (especially if this is the angle BIL is playing at home with them).

  6. Galls, or "oak apples". There's a baby wasp inside each of those! Won't harm the tree at all so you can just leave them be to do their thing.

  7. I've been avoiding that whole questline/mechanic for so long, but finally did my first one a few days ago, and now I'm mad at myself for putting it off! Fun little puzzle breaks in the middle of my regular questing.

  8. Can confirm, I’ve saved every unwanted tooth I’ve pulled.

  9. Same! And somehow TWO dessicated cat tail tips brought in by separate owners 😂

  10. Had to do a double take to make sure I hadn't written this myself in some sort of fugue state, right down to the gallbladder and recent autism discoveries. Not going to lie, I've given up on NS ever being anything but a black hole of depression for me and my family, and we're packing up this summer and moving out west.

  11. Best guess since OP said no cats, just two small dogs. But you can 100% see the rugal folds on the inside layer once OP dissected it, it's DEFINITELY a stomach!

  12. Honestly from a veterinary medicine perspective it looks like a pedunculated tumor or polyp, the kind that forms in the back of the mouth/throat especially in smaller breed dogs. The stalk can die and cause it to fall off, and I've had owners report dogs coughing them up at home. If possible, I would advise saving that ane brining it to your vet for dissection if possible.

  13. That I could walk to the island by skull Rock. I thought there would be quest with a boat where I could get over there or it would come later in an update. I figured out I could walk through the water when I saw my little fox buddy walking in the water.

  14. I was fishing and Kristoff walked over there right in front of me, had to do a double take

  15. Forgetting what I was trying to say in the middle of my own sentence, as well as the entire topic being discussed in the first place. If I don't keep constantly thinking of my next sentence ahead of time while I'm talking, it's just gone and I'm left with no idea what's even happening anymore.

  16. Honky and honky tonk girl because she sounds like a very hungry goose while she eats;

  17. I like how most people I know who play Skyrim have never heard of Cyrodill or even Oblivion. Let alone Morrowind. But I miss the Ayleids and the good old days of Cyrodill!

  18. This. I've made mention of something in Morrowind to a friend of mine who is currently playing Skyrim, and all I got was a blank stare. Do I still love Morrowind more than Oblivion? Yes. More than Skyrim? That's a tough decision.

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