1. I wish George would’ve just enlisted and left. There was no need for him to die.

  2. I actually prefer the 2nd to the first but it might also be Hailee Steinfeld too 🤪

  3. No, however I feel like there is more freedom being fat than thin. Let me explain so when I was thin I would starve myself if I even gained like a half a pound but when I am fat it was like oh no big deal and also nobody expected much from me so in a way I was able to live like however I choose because nobody payed much attention to me. However will say with being thin you are noticed more, people are definitely nicer. Now this might just be my bad relationship with food and weight loss talking but just my experience.

  4. What state are they in is my question? There’s no way they’re making the same as newly onboarded McDonalds employees

  5. Honestly I know some FC in my area that are still only at 15.50 and McDonald’s that pays 15 and Walmart is paying 15 now too (though I don’t recommend Walmart to anyone)

  6. Honestly I liked Wren more than Toby I found there was more chemistry with them. But like multiple better options.

  7. Amon I’m sorry I found Azula actually funny and just crazy not really scary imo. Zaheer just seems chill not really scary.

  8. I feel this but honestly stay consistent ignore the weight scale and concentrate on the food scale. Eventually you will lose weight. It’s more about what you put in your body than how much you’re exercising. Meal prepping helps a lot and so does tracking everything including the condiments and the oils you use. Make it simple, make it fit into your life. It’s not about losing weight it’s about creating a healthy LIFESTYLE.

  9. I agree to this. I only use Notion now for databases for like a reading tracker, movies and tv, meal planning, etc. I think it does some things really well and others not so much. I think it depends on the individual but I know for myself I wasted so much time trying to get it to be perfect that just taking notes and so I went to a bare bones note taking app so I wouldn’t be so tempted to make it perfect. Like obsidian, notion and all these other apps are great don’t get me wrong but can be a way to procrastinate actual work from happening. I use Apple Notes now and honestly it works for me.

  10. Same here. Made a small 4 column table in notes on MacBook and it never showed up on iPad.

  11. Make sure you didn’t have it in the on my Mac folder so that could be why.

  12. Never a fan of Microsoft. Didn’t like the look and feel of it either. I have all Apple and use iCloud so Apple Notes felt the most natural to me.

  13. that's true, but employer's in general (and I’m sure this will change in the future) will pick the person that went to a well known 4-year university than someone that went to a CC (all other things being equal)

  14. I see this is definitely changing because I’m seeing more and more go to CC and also trade schools and getting online certificates. At the end of the day it doesn’t really make a difference.

  15. it 100% does make a difference, on average people with bachelor's degrees make $19k more/year than people with associates degrees

  16. iPad sucks for most things the OS is very limiting and so it would be better off coding on MacBook Air.

  17. It takes you 5 minutes just to go from the break room to your station 😂

  18. Like Jackie, Her Father, Noel, and more. I mean honestly they all had excellent points and I watching the show again with Jackie I totally get it.

  19. Thank you for bringing that up because what the fuck. Imagine ur adult fiancé kisses your minor sister and you get mad at her????? Wtf

  20. Also her sister being more mad at Spencer than at Wren for kissing her when she was a MINOR.

  21. Doesn’t she erase Henry’s memory though? Also as I recall Snow and Charming were planning on either leaving Regina or locking her up. The Owen thing was truly just her finding she wants a child. Also realize the Owen thing is like right after she cast the curse and before Henry and so Regina was still really the Evil Queen then. I mean she did some horrible shit but honestly nobody in this show is a saint.

  22. Well I have had a few but the major one where I started my journey which has had a lot of bumps was when I was in universal going on the Gringotts ride and was told to exit the ride because the seat wouldn’t click so they had to move me to one with bigger seats for handicapped. Absolutely mortifying.

  23. Snow used a fake name during this time because she was in hiding from Regina and didn’t know if she could trust Red yet.

  24. This is amazing. I’ve been struggling with weight gain after having my son last year and really want to try and lose around 100 lbs. I feel like I’m so busy and can’t ever make time to work on myself, but I have to give it a shot so I’ll be around a while for my son. I’m 240 currently - Any tips for what helped you?

  25. I’m not OP but meal planning and prepping has made it so much easier for me to lose weight. This way there’s less temptation to just binge food or go out to eat. Also daily walks has helped me a lot too. Finding any reason to be active. I’ve already lost like 60 pounds and need to lose like 40 more lbs.

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