1. His teeth are perfect. Could watch him all day doing this.

  2. This was after she started the you got your body done bc eddy is cheating and follows IG models. Wendy was team GEB with the Monique situation her first season.

  3. Don’t know if I would agree she was team GEB. She was pretty adamant that one should fight with words not hands. It just so happened her opinion aligned with Neck and Robyn.

  4. Because grabbing a bottle in a verbal altercation like you’re gonna use it as a weapon is fucking insane. I like Candiace but she tends to lose her rational mind in arguments. Grabbing a bottle or a butter knife or anything during an argument like she needs to arm herself is wayyyyy out of line.

  5. Dear, based on your response- you don’t have the facts. I implore you to go back and take a look.

  6. I have no idea what that means. First of all the entire beginning of the altercation was not filmed. Second of all we know Candiace was calling this woman “the help” because we heard it, and we know she picked up a bottle of champagne when the woman confronted her and was held back by other women, because she admitted to it. I have the facts just fine. You certainly weren’t able to explain to me what facts I missed. Don’t condescend to me dearest darling.

  7. M’am your original comment suggested that you did not know the order of events. The video is a simple google search. The effort you put into responding to me - you could have reviewed the footage, educated, and corrected yourself. Instead, you chose to puff out your chest. Re-read my comment. It was informative and provided a clear direction: “You do not appear to have the facts. I implore you to do some research”. Not sure where your animosity is stemming from. But continue to go off, Sis. It looks good on you.

  8. Weren’t both of them on « The Wire » ?

  9. You’re thinking about Clay Davis played by Isiah Whitlock Jr.

  10. I feel like her willingness to even speak on the Osu thing with Ashley was Nnekas downfall more so than Wendy having any power. Nneka keeps bringing up “I was so excited to work with another Igbo sister!!” but that wasn’t an Igbo sister when she was even entertaining Ashley’s bullshit. She knew the cultural relevance, she knew that it’s so taboo you’re not even supposed to speak on that and yet she was willing to stoop to the gutter with Ashley, who was always going to use cultural ignorance as her way out of taking accountability, and throw an “Igbo sister” under the bus.

  11. I think it’s jealousy and also a sense of entitlement—I think Ashley thinks she deserves to have a better life than Candiace because she’s lighter, smarter, married richer, and did a better pageant.

  12. Ashley is not smarter than Candice. Ashley is just more calm and composed. A composed person will almost always appear more intelligent. If Ashley was smart she would have let a lawyer read that pre-nup in season 2 before signing it.

  13. Definitely agree! I’m still confused about what that prenup amendment did! Have they covered it in recent seasons?

  14. Yes they covered it. She gets nothing. Not a dime. She is a silly rabbit.

  15. As someone who used to have bacne, The Neutrogena helped alleviate the acne, but did not help get rid of the hyperpigmentation that the acne left behind.

  16. I’m unclear. Are you convinced that bc it simply did not work for you - it won’t work for someone else ?

  17. Not at all, just sharing my anectdotal experience. I'm in here looking for recs just like OP, and thought I'd share how this product worked for me.

  18. Ok. I would simply recommend to err on the side of caution with these kinds of statements as one might take this as “oh it didn’t work for you - so it won’t work for me” and completely avoid a therapy -which can be very dangerous in a more serious medical condition.

  19. Gizellle is morally corrupt. I am throughly convinced that any man that gets close enough to her can see this and that is why she will be forever single. And her little puppy is as morally corrupt as her. Which is a shame bc she used to be very likeable but as the seasons have gone on - she’s no better than Gizelle.

  20. Wasn’t her mom in there for elective surgery?

  21. What does it matter ? Things go wrong in an elective surgery all the time. Also please recall Wendy was ASSAULTED and Neck said she didn’t care bc she did not like her. You cannot treat people poorly and expect compassion. Simple.

  22. Having elective surgery is very different than having cancer and being operated on.. When was Wendy assaulted!?

  23. I am a physician. Yes- they are different - but they both can have complications. That is my point.

  24. What are those wooden sticks that you are using to display the coin?

  25. Mmmmkay Now I know all I need to know about Christina Applegate. 😒

  26. Okay I think we need to be careful here because Robyn and Gizelle’s European ancestry didn’t come from a place of love. Many black Americans don’t acknowledge their European heritage because it came from rape and slavery. Let’s not be woefully ignorant. Not to mention the very real “one drop rule” that essentially said that if you had one drop of black blood you were black under the American legal system.

  27. I hear you. She is a certain percentage European and it’s unjust in its origin but it’s true. The refusal to acknowledge something does not make it not true.

  28. I think Nneka’s husband should be made the star of the show just so his mere existence can piss her off a little more. She seems to truly hate that man.

  29. 😂😂 Exactly. What is really going on. She does not like him.

  30. My dirty secret is that I still use it as a body exfoliant. It’s great for feet!

  31. This. It’s a great body exfoliation

  32. Soooo much to say but trying to prove your genes are good by knocking a woman with dusty eggs is insane.

  33. You mean to tell me that after reading that this man was the common denominator for all 3 disabled children - your conclusion was as follows: the issue was the “dusty eggs”. Interesting. Very interesting.

  34. No proof but he was named in the lawsuit.

  35. That’s me too. I’m like that’s all you got? I’ve got years of negative -self talk in here. You haven’t even scratched the surface 😂

  36. This. It can’t be worse than what I tell myself.

  37. Neo: "What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge insults?"

  38. In the first pic I feel like some of the styles are Staud knock offs which is not my favorite because I am obsessed with Staud. Lots of the other designs are really good though. Love the butterfly one and the toucan one.

  39. Quality is better. I actually knew of this brand before Staud.

  40. I own a bag from this brand. Just get it. I promise you will not be disappointed. The quality is superb.

  41. It’s the “let’s go” at the end for me đŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™€ïžđŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚

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