1. I've heard speculation that it's Rad-Away, based on the IV bags hanging over Coop's grave, which kind of makes sense, radiation wouldn't kill a ghoul, just degrade their mind

  2. Was Cooper really using Jet? I thought a Raider was using Jet during the vault raid

  3. At the end of the day, Power Rangers is still a children's media property. It's gonna be goofy.

  4. DecaDriver and Ride Booker seem fairly discreet enough to hide

  5. Oh. Well that's a shame. I was hoping this show would be canon.

  6. Sasword's interpretation of Ramen being pronounced "La Men", therefore it must be French, and therefore a delicacy

  7. "Sorry I can't write NPCs like Matt Mercer; but Matt has competent and professional players, and I have you so we're in the same boat"

  8. Outside of Nick, ED-E and Boone, I'm so uninterested in the others that I often forget companions are a thing.

  9. Bro has a Scorpion. If we're going off books and other content, he doesn't even need that.

  10. I had always assumed it was nanomachines capable of cleansing the nearby area of radiation

  11. Two wrongs don't make a right, the same reason why you cannot simply kill your wife's/daughter's rapist.

  12. Y'know what? I can see where you're coming from, and I'll agree the the application of force and violence to obtain a desired result is ultimately barbaric and wrong; but I've met people like John, and it's an unfortunate fact that men like him only understand violence. A milqutoast verbal response to his actions would not only do nothing to him, but OP's cousin and Aunt would have been in very real danger.

  13. I actually tend to agree with your post, what rubbed me the wrong way was the deliberate obfuscation of how badly he was beaten by her father. The fact that hospitalisation was necessary indicates to me that any other person would be made criminally liable if they assaulted someone like this.

  14. That's fair, people tend to relish violence against those they deem justified, and I'm no different. Personally I feel hospitalization for someone who beats kids is fine, but I'm a new dad so that definitely colors how I view things, so there probably is a level where violence is objectively wrong

  15. Man, I got to be the only dude around who doesn't care for Spider-Punk.

  16. Because he wants the blades clean, not just the handles.

  17. Tsukasa, stepping out of the Aurora Curtain looking like he fell into a Hot Topic headfirst:

  18. I don't hate the EX's design, but it feels too ornate and greebly to be early UC

  19. You can use the modded be four ware which assists older dims as it allows them to use support attacks from other older dims

  20. Sorry if this is off topic, would you happen to have a link to said firmware?

  21. Not sure if your allowed to link but you can find it on the humulos discord

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