1. I have no idea how or even if my company is using AI.

  2. Getting 8 hours of sleep. Feeling pretty chill at work. Coming home and not being stressed. Just chilling. Either drawing, playing video games, watching TV, hanging out with the fam, hanging out with friends, cooking, not being worried about the house getting messy, etc. Just everything being chill overall.

  3. Yes. I do think it is. But $20 is $20. And this is mild compared to a bunch of other stuff. So not that bad to be honest.

  4. I'm doing drawings with pencil and paper nowadays. Usually I'll draw it kinda like a comic/manga panel 'cause I find that fun. I am strongly interested in drawing and sketching your character. I'll ink them in pen as well if you need.

  5. Three sword style vs three leg style. Now that's a fight worth seeing!

  6. https://www.google.com/search?q=22+kia+forte+bumper+vent+cover&client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=9cf860e71ffe870b&sxsrf=ACQVn08NP7U6eLhXn-GODOuDsoOK195qXg:1713385509395&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&ved=1t:6869&ictx=111&biw=1536&bih=711&dpr=1.25

  7. It's just one word. Nobody about to divorce their wife for saying one word like twice.

  8. The way you put it, I kinda dislike your boyfriend too. What's there to like about this guy? What's keeping you hooked?

  9. Thank you for sharing this resource! Saw your initial post about why people get weird about posting tip jars and when you started this subreddit on my main account (this is the art one I'm starting). I like what you're doing here and look forward to seeing it grow!

  10. Thank you so much for joining. I'm excited to see it grow as well! I'll try to set up events or things in the meantime as it grows. Look forward to an art contest in May!

  11. I've never done one nor care to. When I get an especially satisfied customer I ask them to simply tell people; that's it. Referrals are worth far more than any tip.

  12. I hate tipping. The word itself has so many negative associations that I cannot see it in a positive light. Its history, and associations with slavery and servitude, the idea of a little money from someone to whom it is not significant, goiing to someone for whom it is, purely on the whim of the person with the money, is just revolting to me.

  13. Honestly. That balancing act is so hard that I stopped posting anywhere I do not regularly frequent. I realized that I am always on reddit, so I started posting only here on reddit. In the communities where my art fits.

  14. I use reddit more than any other platform (other than yt) but I find that manga doesn't get much traction on reddit compared to full-color comic strips. Thanks for the tips though

  15. I would only feel guilty if I get caught by my own family. Otherwise go hard. HARD!

  16. I was sketching this, and realized that damn the character from blame looks like Edward scissorhand

  17. I was about to say. But you said it your self in that comment after the link. But yeah does look a bit like Edward.

  18. Probably their own siblings/family. Irl stuff. You know.

  19. Not disagreeing, but I definitely would have thought the opposite about the message bombardment. In fact, it seems like just about every girl in their 20s I know gets more compliments and positive reinforcement than they know what to do with. I'd be surprised to learn any of them feel inadequate. Am I missing something?

  20. I don't know. But all the women in their 20s that I know have some sort of insecure thing going on.

  21. Here to theorize Mjosgard is still alive because this is One Piece.

  22. and it's all women shopping to dress their useless husbands...

  23. I'm not going to lie. I'm a guy and I've gone shopping for clothes in men's sections and I see women in the men's sections a lot. All the time. I don't know if they're shopping for their kids or their husbands, but sometimes I think "shouldn't those guys be able to do that themselves." And then other times it occurses me they're just buying pants with pockets cuz they don't got them in the women's sections. So maybe that's all. I don't know. I will never know.

  24. What’s stressful about it? It’s an inconvenience for sure maybe even a bit annoying. But why is it stressful for you? Genuinely curious.

  25. I recently did an art contest on my new art subreddit, I gave 3 days for people to vote on the prompt and 3 days for the contest. It's a new subreddit. I learned after I should've given more time for voting. At least 24 hrs. But for a subreddit with only 25 members at the time, I do believe that 3 days for prompt and three days for entries was enough time. We got 4 entries withing those three days of the contest. For 25 members. That was 16% of the subreddit.

  26. Making your own celebrated in order to try to make some money,

  27. I never expected anything from ai. So. I guess it didn't deliver, it keeps doing too many things.

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