1. In this hypothetical situation help is mutually exclusive, so we have to pick the strays. That is, until someone brings up that we need to help strays and then they’ll come up with something else that’s more important. “Why help animals when vets are homeless!!!” “Ok we should pass vet funding” “I don’t want my taxes going up!!!”

  2. Reading through these comments like “wait they’re all slang words?” Lol

  3. Got the skin last night. Ratted the ring closings and watched something on my second monitor.

  4. Peak gameplay. The kinda gameplay immersion that makes me want to spend $700 on cosmetics

  5. I believe so. Check canes on twitter or instagram is where I saw it 🤙

  6. Nice! Wife and I decided to go and level 100 seats for our anniversary

  7. Looks great! Love making custom stuff for our home. That is until the wife decides it’s time to rearrange 🤦🏻‍♂️

  8. She’s given me so many “quick weekend” projects I’ve got a backlog to Q4 2029

  9. On xbox you can connect 2 controllers to 1 player. People use this sometimes to take over or I’ve seen players try to coop one player before. Eg. one player looks around/moves and the other player uses abilities and shoots

  10. I knew that you could connect two controllers to one account but I didn’t think it could be across the country

  11. Respawn: we have to keep maps out of rotation so that way it creates artificially scarcity and it seems like new content when we bring them back

  12. Don't worry, there's plenty of him to go around... Mmmmmrrrr!

  13. Nah by that point they’ll ditch prestige skins like they did heirlooms

  14. He is one of the OGs, he will get one for sure. They won't ditch them until they start getting to late characters most people never bothered to unlock.

  15. This sub doesn’t like anything other than the orange alpine or the stainless chain. No tempered glass, no case, no Apple Care because they all work on oil rig and beat their watches with sledge hammer routinely and they’ve never had a dent or a scratch

  16. yall should stop talking about Iron Sight, 98% of the playerbase dont care about that and just want the skin.

  17. It’d be fine if it actually snared. It rarely does though.

  18. I currently have the dive emote where him and a decoy dance in a circle together and also one where he rides his decoy like a horse. The backflip is basic for all legends and not so great. Only 3 that I have

  19. Yes first time, the test strip matches perfectly I’m very confused about it

  20. I’ve been running RE-45 and Mastiff lately. Guns that can do a lot of damage quickly at close range play best for the ult for me.

  21. RE is great because you keep fast paced movement/chaos with its high strafe speed

  22. Between that and “Mowlkin” he drives me crazy haha

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