1. Honestly, learning systems programming and learning C are two very different disciplines. The only thing you'll get out of learning C are the relevant parts like calling conventions. The rest of C is a huge mess that takes multiple years to become proficient with and is completely useless except for actually writing C.

  2. Yeah but 99 percent of the examples and code from OSdev/systems related projects and books he's gonna look at or read are all written in C. Most repos to contribute to are written in C

  3. That is not what OP is looking for.

  4. Non, xa me decatei do propósito que cumpre aquel sub cando vin o seu nome.

  5. I Love how the moron who posted this in the other sub decided to use a picture of someone who clearly follows the Russian imperial movement (as seen by the fact that he has a Russian imperial flag). The Russian imperial movement is staunchly pro Putin, and their militias have been part of the invasion of Ukraine. Like, he could have at least found a pic of an actual rvc nazi. That sub has become such a cesspit lmao

  6. Also I think freedom of Russia isn't even a neonazi organization it's just anti Putin Russians.

  7. So she can find out and use it to her advantage obviously. How stupid do you have to be to not get that? Are you mentally challenged? Retarded even? Ryujin even said why she wants to know, yet you still had the gall, the audacity to ask such a dumbass question? The reason the world is shit is because of people like you. Do us all a favor and take a long walk off a short pier.

  8. You damn monkeys don't know what ur talking about

  9. Bruh monkeyguru geshit took an L from toji while having a technique that could store special grade curses.

  10. He really is a bum. His confirmed kills are only teenagers, and spared that one teenager because he didn’t want to deal with a cursed spirit that is above 19 years old

  11. No, you have no idea how easy you have it in the modern world and overreact to everything. There will always be right wing extremists but DEI is in every school and business, you won pull your head out of your ass.

  12. Bruh there are videos of literal neonazis attending TERF rallies.

  13. Careful with the meat riding doing it so much will rip your ass open.

  14. Not even the sulfur god could come up with this one Jesus

  15. I use that word unironically as well and like Marina. She's a good character.

  16. No tengo nada mejor que hacer en mi vida que estudiar dialectos regionales.

  17. At least the guy is consistent with his own ideology.

  18. Yeah, remember when she actually called out Candace Owens for callng her a man years ago? She's lost her spine.

  19. And they call far righters like me insane.

  20. Because you think like this guy. Don't bother hiding it we know.

  21. Not really. A large deal of the shell is wasted weight in the radial construction of the casing. If you could selectively directionalize the spread 'claymore style' you'd greatly reduce the weight required. 10 lbs of HE and 40 lbs of ball bearings goes a long way.

  22. “Oh so you believe in genetics? Do you know who else believed in genetics? The Nazis. Checkmate Anarkiddie!”

  23. Of course they did, they were eugenicists after all

  24. They "believed" in eugenics. They used them to justify mass murder that would have been done anyways.

  25. Obsessed with the way you drew the shoes. The absurdly tall heels works so well~

  26. This comment gave me mind damage. Mods sacrifice this man to the sulfur god

  27. Brittle bones means you'll take more damage from explosions, which can be rare depending on which biome you're in. Explosions already bypass AV, so the added damage boost from brittle bones will make you very vulnerable. My suggestion is to replace it, but if you find it doesn't affect your gameplay, then continue on, but be mindful when enemies start chucking grenades/seeds your way.

  28. Leaking your high school is a great way to have a non zero chance of being blasted in the street.

  29. Identity and Democracy is categorized as a far-right party, yet, they are more interventionist, less in favour of free markets than EPP. So it is not solely based on economics. I wish it would..i would vote for a centre-left party then. Or maybe i should just stop listening to the culture war :( eh... im tired, sorry.

  30. Because they are far right. Their intervention is in favor of the corporation not the proletariat. And yes, semi openly hating on brown/LGBT people is far right. It's not "identity politics" it's hating on minorities

  31. The worst part is that the 2A42 cannons from the BMP 2 can already do that.

  32. A guy let a brick fall on my foot so I blasted his leg with a shotgun AITA?

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