1. So for candidate selections, the 2/3 rule for the Democratic conventions changed a lot of outcomes. The candidate in 1844 would have been Martin Van Buren.

  2. If you think he was innocent you really don’t have the capacity to be president…

  3. Would love to see a word search where a missing word is 'gullible' or 'sucker.'

  4. Many questions have seen the Rocky Mountains like, “Hey, what are those big mountains?”

  5. Article 1: Abolish the Senate. Add 100 members to the House. All districts for all races have been drawn neutrally without preference for party affiliation. No filibuster, but the minority party can force X-number of votes per session.

  6. Makes sense. Do it before anybody knows what the hell they’re doing.

  7. I’m done with this stupid sub. The discussion level used to be somewhat interesting. Now it’s just stupid middle school bs.

  8. There should be two tags: serious and silly. I don’t mind the silly, but I would probably filter them out if I could because there are so many of them.

  9. The October 1917 revolution was led by Lenin and the Bolsheviks, who wanted to establish socialism/communism. They saw the monarchy/new Republic as an obstacle to that goal.

  10. Cromwell, for all intents and purposes, did not wish this. Cromwell's desire was for the people to rule themselves through Parliament... Which they proved unable to. So he went "then I'll do it myself". Getting rid of the monarchy was also several bridges too far for most of the country, Cromwell pulled that one off from a minority position.

  11. This doesn’t sound like what you’re talking about, but it’s an interesting story:

  12. I believe Silver Blaze is the only story where Holmes wears his iconic deer-stalker hat.

  13. Republicans don’t answer these polls with real answers. They answer on what will “hurt the libs’ feelings.” If there’s a new popular poll taken on greatest American president it would be an easy victory for a certain recent president because every Republicans answering the question would answer the same way, in an effort to **** up the poll. Left-of-center respondents would provide real answers, though some may pick Obama.

  14. I’m not sure Hoover qualifies at a “good person.” In his public life he was a great humanitarian sure. But privately he was cold and bitter. The staff at the White House was asked to get out of sight if they saw him coming, and he would speak Chinese to his wife so the staff couldn’t listen to his conversations. He was an absolute dick during the transition to FDR.

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