1. Bruh why her shirt like that?? She looks preg or fat :((( L I'll be getting it anyway. Glad she's here

  2. leave her ass. my ex was the same bruh didn’t wanna be with me cuz i wasn’t out so womp womp

  3. Christians do often think that eventually they will convert people, and will do little aggressions the whole time

  4. This. Walk away while it’s easy to do so. It won’t get better unless he completely walks away from religion.

  5. Out of morbid curiosity, I googled it and there is so much porn of these two 💀

  6. Be frank and establish boundaries. It’s your child. Not hers. Religious people always feel this sense of entitlement to try and enforce their views on others.

  7. This right here. Christians so often exude this air of superiority, walking around convinced that you've deduced some unseen truth that the unwashed masses are incapable of grasping really feeds the ego. Absolutely insufferable behavior made 100x worse by the utter ridiculousness of the fairy tales they've gone all-in with

  8. Probably doesn't want to lose her family or needs the money from them so she went back into the closet. A lot of people will do that for survival. What she did was wrong but she's not your problem anymore. Just focus on your life now and you'll find someone way better than her in the future.

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