1. I've had success with bitey pups by over dramatizing pain from their nips. They don't want to hurt you, and if they know that action "hurts" they won't do it. So mouth comes in for nip/bite yelp, and nurse it like it was super painful, stop playing for a bit, then play again again.

  2. When my pyr mix was a new 3-4 month old puppy, like 3 days after we'd adopted her, I was taking her on a walk through a park. There was a toddler toddling straight for her. My great puppy immediately laid down and just sniffed and licked the toddlers feet. I basically just rained treats on her for this, and now whenever she's getting approached by something unfamiliar she will just lay flat... sometimes right across the path but at least she is laying trying to be calm.

  3. The room should be safe. VOCs are gases that will distribute over the whole room immediately, these essentially dissipate over time as the air in the room changes over. If you aren't smelling it and haven't been since August I think you have more than cleared them out.

  4. Huh, that's interesting I learned the broom method for safety in cases of possible pressurized steam pipes leaking. If the broom gets cut, congrats you found the leak, don't proceed forward. The hydrogen thing is a mit more concerning though. Because what if it just hasn't been ignited, suddenly you have an asphyxiation risk. Work place safety is pretty wild.

  5. Pretty sure they are basically the same molecule... I think Cialis may be a specific enantiomer while Viagra is a mixture of enantiomers. Super common for drug companies to do this. Same is true for Prilosec and nexium, and I'm sure many many others. Usually mixture is brought to market first, then to keep a patent and the profit they figure out the active enantiomer reduce the dose slightly and boom you have a whole new drug!

  6. Just put criminal charges of homicide against owners. Let pitbull owners know that they will be charged as if they committed the crime themselves. That will help the plight of pitbull owners, non-pitbull owners, and everyone.

  7. They did, the owner of the dog that attacked this little girl is in jail charged with negligent homicide.

  8. Yeah, Amazon is THE WORST for finding fabric. Hear that Amazon?? THE WORST!!!

  9. Great list! I'll also add Zelouf fabrics - on the higher end of price Blue moon fabrics - tends toward dance sequins, but good stuff hiding Spoonflower- super fun prints though I don't always love the quality of fabric

  10. Could be his diet is lacking something. I had a dog that ate poop because he wasn't getting all the nutrients he needed.

  11. Encourage your daughter's confidence that is independent of others. Talk about healthy relationships, show healthy relationships.

  12. A friend used Heavenly and was REALLY happy with the experience. They are online only so cheaper than someone that comes to the home but I don't know the actual cost.

  13. Havenly are glorified sales people. They only get paid when you buy what they recommend from them. I'd be wary using them. I tried them to finish off a room that was 80% there but just wasn't quite working. They had some cute stuff but didn't take into account anything I already had, and really didn't help much. I found it extremely frustrating.

  14. I've been living off unhealthy microwave meals for the last couple years for around $40 a week and will probably continue to do that for the next few months but I do know how to cook and intent to invest in kitchen utensils and appliances as the need arises.

  15. Once you get to town go to the nearest goodwill or consignment shop. You can find some great essentials for cheap. Including couches, tables, chairs, etc. Bonus find the richer area of town (or richer town) and go there for better quality used goods.

  16. No, throw baking soda. Flour that is aerosolized like from throwing it can continue the fire and spread it.

  17. Do trains have some form of emergency brake? If so, is it used? If not used, why not?

  18. They do, but they have so much momentum it isn't a fast stop. I think the train was using it in thus video.

  19. Essentially showing it as money I have which then makes the loan lower risk, reducing the rate. I'm not a financial person, but when I was shopping for loans all the loan managers said it was useful.

  20. How likely is this to give someone a yeast infection or BV? I think I'd opt for a condom...

  21. I hope that everyone will take some time and just THINK of all the ramifications these draconian abortion bans have on women and girls. They are dying because of these laws and it's going to get worse. A vote for a republican is a vote for a national abortion ban, and these state incidents will become national incidents in every single state.

  22. Thing is they don't care about woman as anything but an organ donor for fetus. They don't care about how our lives are unless we are popping out those babies. Even then, it's not like they're improving maternity care at all so they just don't care about us.

  23. Those Obama death panels conservatives were fear mongering turned out to actually be their own.

  24. It's called forced organ donation. They are forcing women to donate their bodies to that clump if cells. Let's force them to donate blood, kidneys, livers, bone marrow. They'll suddenly understand bodily autonomy that women are demanding.

  25. Cs get degrees. There are many aspects to engineering. Different jobs will favor different people. People often hire engineers because we are good at breaking down complex problems into solvable problems. In school you are learning a new way to think, that is hard. As far as applying to internships and research, nobody else has experience until they get that first job. I wouldn't expect a college freshman/sophomore to have any experience. Even college grads I don't think I'd look that closely at their experience. Just apply for them. Also check out the opportunities at your school, they often times have programs to help you get experience.

  26. Ok but that says "pregnancy prevention plan in place." So that's easily done. When I was taking Accutane I had to have two forms of BC because that shit will fuck up a fetus. That isn't preventing anyone from taking a drug. Though I'd also argue this responsibility should also be on the males of child bearing age because I'm sure it isn't good for sperm either.

  27. How is it your fault that your supervisor can’t differentiate between aggressive language and assertive language? I’d personally pull the supervisor aside and have a dialogue about it and what the actual problem is?

  28. Also, supervisor level should be able to address it with you directly! Also, what are the specifics. Anyone complaining, if it's taken seriously, should be able show specifics.

  29. Yep, I tolerated guns in a relationship once. Now there is an actual bullet lodged in my bed. Never again.

  30. Why is it that the gun enthusiasts seen to understand less about gun safety than anyone on the street. Never point at something you don't want to shoot. Always assume it's loaded. Basic fucking shit.

  31. It is hard to get started, but box breathing is very soothing (breathe in, hold, breathe out, hold; all actions done to the same count). This normally helps me in the moment that i need to be controlled. But also, you have to let your emotions out. I love to curl up to sad soppy book (usually the dog dies) and I just cry my eyes out. I also work out when I'm angry. Sometimes i scream my favorite song in the shower. There are lots of options.

  32. I want to know how they have the same address.

  33. Suburbia makes hellish streets like this all the time. My neighborhood I grew up in was all W 103rd st, W 103rd Ave, W 103rd row, W 103rd Ct. They built a subdivision to the west of us that continued this terrible 103rd shit but they were all S 103rd st, etc. Why south you ask when they were due west? Well all the other subdivisions around had taken the E, N and W options.

  34. Me too! The number of times people have told me I didn't try it correctly. I've gone into the woods for a week without a shower, I've waited until the oil was basically just dripping off my hair at home. It never works, it never gets better I have super oily hair! I also have very fine hair so if I dont wash it I look like ive greased down my hair. I also have oily skin and just use light lotion all the time. I really wish people would stop trying to tell me to just try not washing my hair.

  35. Rabies has no proven cure, but it's death rate isn't 100% anymore. Though it definitely sounds like the most miserable disease imaginable. There's an amazing

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