1. My way has been that all money goes into our joint account but then a set amount goes to private accounts. As our income has fluctuated, the private money has been between $75-200 a month. This is the “none of your business” money. I think our method has kept us on the same page financially. We’ll even look at free credit reports and retirement accounts together a few times a year. I think having all the money go into our joint account helps us be partners in finances.

  2. I’ve been taking Xyrem for a little over a year now and have noticed I’m starting to get light headed upon standing. After sex, I get lightheaded badly if I stand up too quick and my hearing is muffled. For the first time ever, I had fainted randomly at work. It started with sweating, tunnel vision, gravity feeling 10x heavier, etc. went to the ER and they said it’s bc my blood pressure dropped so low. It was 30/60. I don’t have insurance rn so I’m trying to figure out what is causing this all the sudden at 30 yrs old. I’ve come to the idea that it’s possibly the Xyrem that is causing it. Makes me want to get on something else for my narcolepsy…..

  3. It could be worth a try, but like I said, once those symptoms showed up for me they didn’t go away even when I went off xyrem. My focus became lifestyle changes and getting in better shape.

  4. One time as I was going to bed I stole all of my mom’s broccoli to feed my dog. Even though she’d just cooked it for her dinner. I had no idea what I’d done but in fairness my dog really loves broccoli.

  5. You seem like a good therapist who genuinely wants to help people, so I mean no disrespect at all by this. But on your website you state that you’re a spiritual person. That feels like it goes against the request of the post for a logic & scientific based therapist.

  6. Those things aren’t mutually exclusive. There’s a lot of evidence for meditation and mindfulness which are the spiritual examples he gives.

  7. Thank you!! What’s the story with the captions, anyways? Is this a “feature” of the mobile app for just some people?

  8. I also can’t figure out what the deal is. Half the time I can see them and half I can’t. I can always see the first line though. Something changed like two weeks ago or so and I’m frustrated.

  9. Over the past five years, I've observed how the religious aspects of the Powell story tend to hit listeners differently, depending on their own life experiences and relationships to faith.

  10. Dave, you produced the most phenomenal podcast that was interesting, devastating, and did nothing but respect and honor Susan and her perspective. I can appreciate that we all have different takes on how religion factors in, but I think you captured things through Susan’s lens incredibly well.

  11. I only got a few hours of sleep a night for the first two weeks with xyrem. It was hell but I got past it and almost seven years later I’m still on it. Also not saying you should take it, but my dad and I both take pregabalin (lyrica) like an hour before we take our xyrem. Yes, that’s how our neurologist tells us to do it.

  12. She can be upset without it being your responsibility. She wasn’t even wrong for drawing the parallel, but I think she’s being unreasonable. Let’s compare the smell to something else with mental health - her not being bothered by the smell is like people with depression. I have a depression and still make it to work so therefore everyone with depression should be able to hold a job. But we all know that’s not reality right?

  13. I’m pretty sure it isn’t ethical to charge a client the full fee when the client was not even physically present for more than half of the session.

  14. I don’t have strong opinions without more information is what I should have said. Is this client insurance or self-pay? What was agreed to in their paperwork? Is her cancelation fee the full session fee (as is the case with many therapists)? If this therapist is taking insurance and didn’t bill for the actual amount of time that services were provided then that’s fraud which is extremely unethical of course and OP should 100% be fighting that.

  15. Yes! I don't mind at all. Hard to determine causality, but I became horribly depressed within the first few months of starting Xyrem and had absolutely zero appetite, so I lost a lot of weight very quickly. Once I got that sorted I had the classic sleep eating issues that people talk about, but once I was deep enough in my Xyrem haze, I truly fought tooth and nail to stay with my snacks. My dad and little sister would try to get me back into bed before I collapsed and I would say some pretty horrible things to try and ward them off... I still feel a lot of shame for what I put them through, to be honest. My mom recorded me one night and watching it the next morning was so humiliating, so I stopped soon after that.

  16. This might sound crazy, but that’s actually really similar to my first couple years on xyrem. Now I don’t have those issues though and haven’t for several years. I still eat after drugging up, but I plan my food beforehand and have managed to stop raiding the kitchen in a fog. I’m not saying you should try it again, but I am saying it’s possible to get over the hump that you experienced.

  17. I had to up my dosage to a total of 12g. I either take 6g/6g, or 4g/4g/4g. It definitely has helped me get better sleep and I usually can get about 7-7 1/2 hours of sleep. All the other oxybates didn’t work nearly as well for me. Unfortunately, Xyrem is the only thing that has consistently worked to keep my narcolepsy under control.

  18. Love your handle lol. My dad is also narcoleptic and has been a lifelong Pepsi a day person.

  19. If you ever used AI, you know lol. I’ve used it extensively & it’s very apparent in tone and the verbiage

  20. Agreed. I’ve used ChatGPT for various things, not much, but enough that I can recognize things like this as AI.

  21. Ours has been one of my all time favorites since Speak Now came out but it never gets any love in the fandom!

  22. The song and the music video are so special to me. I sang this song for a talent show once.

  23. Willow would’ve been so much better with a rework on “I come back stronger than a 90s trend”

  24. This line makes me want to scream every time. It doesn’t fit the song at all and completely ruins the foresty witchy vibes.

  25. “All the king’s horses, all the king’s men, couldn’t put me together again”

  26. This is one of my favorite parts though. I think I just like the pacing of it.

  27. I just wanted to send you a gentle, virtual hug if you want one. I have two therapists at the moment, my main therapist and a secondary therapist I just started with for a specific issue that my main therapist isn't trained in (BED). I've only had one session with my secondary therapist and she told me upfront at my first session that she's a mandatory reporter and that if I disclose anything illegal that happened to me in the past, she's required to report it (but that if I have done anything illegal, she doesn't have to disclose it without a court order). It immediately made alarm bells go off in my head because I absolutely do NOT want to have things that happened to me 20+ years ago reported to the authorities and have to go through that whole circus as that will be traumatic for me.

  28. There are places that basically have like a lifetime reporting law. So mandated reporters have to report things that happened to a now-adult as a child. I don’t think it should be like that and I don’t totally see the point - maybe to try to stop serial predators? But regardless I do think those laws are harmful to people just trying to heal from the past.

  29. For me her voice is nothing special, and the talk-singing is really most of what she does. She has definitely improved since she started though you can tell she's put real work into her voice. I don't mind her voice because I love the lyrics and her style of singing emphasizes them.

  30. Can you (or someone) explain why the talk-singing is looked down on? Genuine question, please don’t come at me. I’ve seen it mentioned a lot lately, but I don’t see why it’s bad. To me it’s just a different style, not a bad one.

  31. I’m TTC right now and I’ve made the decision that I won’t be breastfeeding. I don’t love the decision, but I also know in my case that the kind of mom I want to be needs her medication. My being present and alert outweighs the benefit of breastfeeding. But that is my case. It may not be yours.

  32. There are a lot of good comments here, but what I don’t see people addressing is that a competent therapist is not going to immediately dive into trauma work. Two months is not a very long time and many therapists would only just now be starting to address trauma or maybe even still not yet. You’re definitely in a bind with being on leave and not wrong for wanting to accomplish more right now, but I don’t think some tips about your situation is really what’s going to help.

  33. I’ve been a fan for over a decade now and I don’t follow the lore at all. Doesn’t really feel like I have a place in the fandom anymore but I’ll keep listening.

  34. Hard same. I love the boys but I don’t have time to get a PhD in the lore anymore.

  35. The scene makes me cry but I still hate it. This would’ve been my worst nightmare when I was the one in this situation. Didn’t have a great experience, but at least not everyone knew.

  36. Wtf… I didn’t know he had narcolepsy until like twenty minutes ago when some random Wikipedia rabbit holes led me to him and now I see this post?!

  37. No, my HOA doesn't do much besides tell people to paint things.

  38. Not sure what you're asking. Who to call? Any decent handyman can build steps because the stringers are precut at any lumberyard. But yes a deck company is also a good option since what you are building is a tiny deck with some stairs attached. TBH if you're remotely handy you could watch a youtube video. Two other things - check with your HOA and also you may want to call the WVX building department to see if you need a permit.

  39. Thanks for the suggestions! I guess it seems like I don't know what I'm asking because well... I don't haha. I know my stairs aren't looking good and technically aren't up to code because of the spacing of the vertical rails, but I wasn't even sure where to start when it comes to replacing them.

  40. I see this post is about a month old but I’m 33yo and 13 weeks pregnant with my first. I’m staying on xyrem throughout as I tried to titrate down before trying to conceive, and it left me miserable. I understand the risks being somewhat unknown, but my neurologist allowed me to stay on it thank goodness. I tried Xywav briefly shortly after it came out and it didn’t seem to work as well for me and the taste was horrendous so I switched back. I’ve been on xyrem for most of my adult life.

  41. Hey thanks for responding. I really appreciate your input! May I ask if Xyrem is the only medication you’re taking?

  42. Xyrem is all that I take for narcolepsy. It’s been an absolute game changer. Before I would sleep 12+ hrs every night and still have sleep attacks and fall asleep pretty much all day. I tried all the stimulants, provigil, nuvigil, and they all gave me this false sense of alertness and made my heart race. On xyrem, I feel like a pretty normal human. I’m careful with my sleep hygiene and keep a pretty regular sleep schedule and give myself 9hrs most nights. I’m now an RN and work 12+ hr day shifts and don’t need a nap. Just some caffeine midday. My xyrem only really knock me out hard for about an hour where I’m difficult to rouse. After that, I’m still a pretty light sleeper. Though my husband is home with me at night and I wouldn’t feel comfortable without him if I had a small child.

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