1. There was me thinking that being able to fly made you immune to trap doors.

  2. It works if you are smarter than a pigeon.

  3. That means they did their job right.

  4. Doesn't it mean they didn't? A damnation arc should leave you feeling like the character got what was coming to them. If you feel bad for them they kinda failed.

  5. her damnation arc is also a betrayal arc. and you cant have a betrayal if you feel nothing for the person who betrays. Betrayal never comes from your enemies.

  6. Early seasons kinda but I didn't think that made any sense either. There was zero build up and indications of her wanting to be a hero. S5 ending not at all since by then we knew she wasn't even going to have her small moments of kindness/heroism anymore.

  7. He didn't eat shit. Humans are omnivores because we can digest meat. Horses have the "side to side" chewing and they'll eat meat given a chance. Give a toddler an apple and some chicken nuggets and see which they eat. I'm not against vegetarianism or veganism but we have issues when you make shit up and pretend you have a moral high ground because you only eat plants.

  8. I would say it’s always been a thing women are just now getting caught. Just started calling it rape instead of sex when it involved a male victim and female perpetrator. Mary Letourneau, who not only groomed and had multiple children with her victim, is the most famous case.

  9. The entire Straw Hat crew doesn't have this much luck.

  10. Watch on mute. Cute dogs, but obnoxious af audio.

  11. Honestly it's exactly how I was laughing 😅😅

  12. I still can't let people buy me gifts for birthdays/Christmas. "Just because" gifts are fine since I never got those but birthday/Christmas gifts were always to be taken away for any/no reason or so I could watch my cousins play with whatever cheap thing I was given until it was broken.

  13. My niece was premature with an incomplete heart. We all have the contact info for her care team from the NICU and they get constant updates. 15 years later and we're all dreading the day she has to go to an adult hospital. They took amazing care of her from day one and we could not ask for better doctors, nurses, and support staff. Even the receptionist is in a first name basis with the whole family.

  14. Does your browser have location permission? If you denyed it at any point it doesn't matter that your browser can share your location, if it doesn't know it in the first place.

  15. Red flag. It's too soon to tell if you're in love or if it's just hormones. Anyone dropping an L bomb this early is either naive or trying to manipulate you. Judging by him not accepting you don't feel the he same, I'm voting manipulative.

  16. I don't use it as it is. I think the biggest change would be the assholes I'm avoiding moving into the apps I actually use.

  17. I for one am shocked and appalled! If more rich people do this I don't know how I can handle it! Specifically CEOs and land barrens would be devastating to my psyche! Please no CEOs or land barrens follow this guy's example!

  18. Yea any guy that tries to go in dry will be jerking off cause I'm getting dressed.

  19. Thank goodness there are nets underneath it. I would also be a firm no.

  20. You could have nets, those suicide pad things, safety tethers, Superman on standby by, 3 healers and 6 Tufts of Phoenix Down and I still wouldn't go.

  21. Colonize it. Humans would probably welcome it at this point.

  22. Not only is it not understanding consent but its also generalising all women into one strawman. "oh if women dont like being gawked at, how come some women show off?"

  23. Even the ones that have OF or do erotic dancing are only ok with being gawked at when they consent.

  24. If you believe women should always be accepting of your sexual advances for whatever reason, your probably a rapist or well on your way.

  25. Nah. At this point stopping myself from crying is a reflex. The moment I realize I'm about to cry, I stop. Best the gotten is tearing up a few times.

  26. I've literally shipped worse. If it's an AU where Jasper grew a brain and tried to do better by Lapis, why is it a problem? People ship Lapidot all the time and Peridot traumatized Lapis too.

  27. I don't see no plastic lining the floor or walls. I can see the floor. I don't see any fossilized food....

  28. Yea, if what you want to do is destroy all life on a planet you need to be stopped. Also they were doing it for no reason. The Diamonds weren't going to convert that planet so they can't even say they were just doing what they were told. It's all they know sure, but that doesn't mean they can't learn better.

  29. You are aware the word "comment" existed before the internet right? It's hardly exclusive to social media comments.

  30. And she also could have posted about him to social media so other parents knew.

  31. Why allow a child potting and running naked in front of some "guy she knows"? Is she trying to teach her child to go out naked in front of people? Guy is creepy, for sure, but mom looks stupid.

  32. Could be a friend she thought she could trust who got downgraded to "this guy I know" after the incident.

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