1. Let’s be honest..slave children working on iPhone production probably built that laser against their wills too

  2. Apparently making albino soup out of people because of wizardry reasons is just hunky dory tho

  3. No he fucking didn’t...zoom the footage out a bit there are hella tanks there..and afterword they proceeded to shell and mercilessly kill the protestors..read into it

  4. Turns out she invented the sandwich..and the guy who invented wifi was a fan of sandwiches.

  5. Start digging up these bodies!! Enough media bs..in the US annnd in Canada...let’s start digging and hold these people accountable!!..and if they are no longer alive..the culpable government, living “higher-ups”...not talking janitors...and the church should answer for the crimes for instituting such barbarism as policy and subjugating students to inhumane practices.

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