1. Wenn man ein Kind bekommt, weiß man worauf man sich einlässt. Kinder sind nicht billig, man muss sie bis zur Vollendung der Ausbildung finanzieren.

  2. Eine völlig normale nachvollziehbare. Wer verdient trägt zur Familienkasse bei.

  3. Die Kinder werden zur Kasse gebeten, wenn es später mal um die Pflege der Eltern geht. Reicht das nicht?

  4. I’ve only seen 2011-2015, 2020, 2021 & 2023 (some of these will be controversial)

  5. Yeah, Tanya and Vito come to mind when thinking about favorite couples… 😳

  6. A deal is a deal. I don’t need to be a decent human being after the handshake!!1!11

  7. Honestly this part seemed so scripted to me. Like a ford ad. People willing to pay to experience the cars etc.

  8. Kristy is jealous of Steph- Steph is more creative, a nicer person, pretty and in a good relationship.

  9. I wasn’t a huge fan of how she treated Gian, saying that this is how they talk to each other etc. she is certainly nicer than the others but no saint either.

  10. I’m going to safely assume a guy like Tom will never give him best of the block.

  11. Both options are going to appeal to completely different types of people. Traditional machines offer simplicity but they are limited functionally (to varying degrees, depending on the machine) in comparison to a Decent. If you have an unlimited budget and want a buy once, cry one type of machine, you can safely rule out a flat 9 bar pump machine, especially as you enjoy medium-light roasts.

  12. I was thinking about the Bianca or GS3. But I guess I’ll go with the decent. I was a bit worried because I’ve seen so many people selling them and demand going down. I thought there might be something out there much better for a similar price tag, but it doesn’t seem to be the case. I actually like the decents design.

  13. "Endgame" is just some ludicrous concept of having the most expensive machine.

  14. Do you own a decent? Can you elaborate on the quirks? People seem to have really different experiences. And I don’t care about issues in the past, if they fixed them that’s all that matters for new owners

  15. I wish one of the streaming services would do shows like this, but more focused on the actual building.

  16. It's a different vibe for sure but I've been enjoying Restoration Australia on ABC! A new, unique property every week, a new family and overall pretty wholesome. Biggest drama so far was when bushfire protection requirements directly contradicted heritage requirements! That was a nail-biter episode.

  17. Currently watching the fourth episode. Thanks for the recommendation!

  18. And this room cost +37k dolleridoos. This. Just let that sink in.

  19. That explains her behavior. She thought that she’d win the 10k if she spends more than anyone else. The only reason she didn’t win (from her perspective) was the rain. Couldn’t be the design, couldn’t possibly be her fault…

  20. Ich habe meinen Notgroschen (6-8k) noch nie angerührt. Ich habe lieber wochenlang 2 Minuten-Nudeln gegessen, als ihn anzurühren. Ich frage mich inzwischen sogar, ob ich ihn jemals anrühren werde. Eigentlich kann ich alles, was so passiert durch meine Kreditkarte abfedern. Das könnte sich natürlich ändern, wenn ich eine Wohnung kaufe und etwas passieren würde. Dann könnte ich ohne Probleme die Rate noch ein paar Monate bezahlen.

  21. I'd like to see them try and install a Velux on the ground floor.

  22. If she got what I've had, I've sounded like that for eight weeks. Bloody awful.

  23. I watched this two hours ago and I can’t remember a single room besides the ugly blue one from house 2. something is off with the designs this year…

  24. Lass uns wissen wie es ausgeht. Würde mich über Updates freuen :)

  25. They get the plumbing for free, they can rip out themselves, tiles and fixtures are paid by sponsors.

  26. Can I ask why? Personally I love having the option to relax to a show before settling down to sleep. It's a nice alternative for when you don't really want to read before bed

  27. I personally try to avoid screens in the bedroom. I sleep much better now.

  28. The way she asked too, she kept begging and telling them how desperate she was. Why not just ask nicely and see if they are able rather than trying to guilt them into it.

  29. How many Melburnians here have underfloor heating? It probably is something you'd expect at this price range but it's a granny flat bathroom for fuck's sake.

  30. You can plumb it in though right?

  31. Plumbing it in doesn’t change the boiler capacity. The machine only has a 0,25 liter (size of a glass of water) reservoir of hot water. After that it needs some time to reheat.

  32. Ich war Werkstudent und habe in 20h so viel geleistet wie andere im Team in 40h. Es gab wegen der hohen workload noch externe Mitarbeiter. 4 davon waren ohne Witz so produktiv wie ein interner Mitarbeiter.

  33. https://de.lamarzoccohome.com/produkt/linea-micra/?utm_medium=paidsearch&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=brand-products&gclid=CjwKCAjwq-WgBhBMEiwAzKSH6Gn_CMqQhtgLMtKkYbkH2azsl02Tt1cCt6v_re3SFsLKPQ5znz9tqxoCzxIQAvD_BwE

  34. Honestly, how you describe yourself is a bit of a red flag, however your colleague made it very clear that she is not interested in any personal life events outside of work and you respected that. Her apology in front of others was inconsiderate, quite rude actually. The fact that she is winging now that you are not inviting her to outside work get togethers is absurd - actions have consequences. You are NTA.

  35. Can I ask, in what way was my description of myself a red flag? I was just trying to give some context regarding my role in the office and my general demeanour. Sorry if you got the wrong impression.

  36. It’s probably a personal thing. In my experience people that claim something like “I am pretty darn well liked” / “I’m the funny one and always entertain a group” / “I am a deep talker” tend to have weird self awareness. I think people shouldn’t claim something like that, especially because evidence that contradicts these views is most likely discarded due to wide spread cognitive biases.

  37. I’d say don’t bother with shampoo etc. it’s just too heavy to fly around with. Unless you can’t live without a certain brand, you’ll find something here.

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