1. ELI5 what is happening?

  2. The electric mod is on duga near pack-a-punch

  3. I thought this show was a fever dream....now i gotta go rewatch it

  4. To me, yes, this is relatable. Also funny as hell

  5. Does the mystery meat taste more chickeny these days?

  6. More porky in my area

  7. Saw another post in this same subreddit saying this was a starlink launch. The other video looks very similar but further away than this video is

  8. Still miss him to this day. He is a legend!

  9. Before you ask, this is not from One Pace, it's Onigashima Paced, my own project similar to One Pace but with the goal of editing only the Onigashima arc. More info here:

  10. Do you have a youtube channel where one can watch these videos? Asking for myself

  11. No new comments...no friend requests...damn it. Well, atleast i have you, Tom. You're always there for me..

  12. "TOO SOON?!" As someone on the loser side that joke was hilarious!

  13. I get the feeling it's going to look nothing like what they just showed us..

  14. They sell those headphones at dollar tree for $1.25

  15. The big white line likes to bite peoples car tires, really a safety hazard these days /s

  16. With the amount of weak post I’ve seen on here. You would think this was called

  17. Thank you for making my day

  18. Im sorry but i laughed at this, sorry for your loss

  19. Can a man get the recipe please?

  20. Thank you ive been waiting for 3 days lmao

  21. If you're training zombies in that area. You should be aware of zombies coming out of the window right next to you lol. No bad. But if you want to survive you need to be more aware.

  22. This right here, situational awareness is key in kino

  23. Zero points and 15 comments say it's a shit post lmao

  24. Whatever helps you fall asleep buddy

  25. Glad to be of service, enjoy a sweet night of dreams of my post thatll haunt you forever

  26. LIBJ says:

    I have never needed something more in my life, thank you.

  27. Why would you leave garbage in your car for 3 days?

  28. IME temperature can do that too. I once left a foam cup maybe 33% full in my car for a couple days during the summer and it started to sweat like that haha.

  29. LIBJ says:

    Had a burgerking cup with about 1/8th of sprite in my car for 3 days during the summer in FL. That was a nice mess to clean up

  30. LIBJ says:

    This is new, atleast to me.

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