1. I mean the problem is there is a planet of the week show with the crew of the Enterprise, and it's Strange New Worlds. I am not sure that having two of such shows running simultaneously makes the most sense, right? Each show should be a little different (space station, lost in the galaxy, prequel) rather than just, functionally, two versions of TNG airing at once.

  2. That's the only real problem with this. Even in the golden age of trek where there were two shows runnin simultaneously (plus a movie every now and again) the shows had very different concepts and settings. Even then, personally, I'd be okay with SNW wrapping up after the two additional seasons if it meant a 25th century 15 episode per season episodic drama that has minimal serialization, minimal action, the sets are lit naturally, ensemble cast aboard a starship..

  3. You genuinely had me for several paragraphs and I agree that those are tough challenges that this production faces.

  4. There’s video of this guy rallying with Nazis in Russia. Something liberals accuse conservatives of doing all the time when it’s false. But this guy actually does it and all the liberals support him

  5. This is not about "liberals" vs "conservatives", it's about politicizing the russian space; we're talking about a country where politics is not allowed to take place because the people outsource their agency to the regime and the regime murders anyone who tries to change this. Right now (and also before his death), Navalny's policies, geopolitical stances, the question of is he a nationalist, is he not a nationalist, all of that doesn't matter. Literally, it does not matter, because there was never any election, zero choice anyone in russia has as to whom to have as their representative. The point, and the essence of what Navalny represented, is to politicize the space so that people start giving a shit about what's going on around them instead of being a slave nation forever. (of course, I am aware that that does not magically fix everything but it is the most important focus right now)

  6. As far as I know, that's not even remotely an oversimplification, and is literally exactly what they're doing, trolling to call out hypocrisy. But if that really is a gross oversimplification, then I would love to hear what the not gross, non simplification version is.

  7. Well they also fight lawsuits to protect civil freedoms fundamentalists want to limit/have limited (I don't know how effective this particular organisation is at that, but that's what they do primarily)

  8. Actually God Bible uses He/Him and not he/him but still good point

  9. For context, I used to be very particular about fit comfort (I mean, I guess I still kind of am?), and I found the buds + (which apparently have a very similar fit to FE) to be perfect. Since then, I have used the buds Live and often I would straight up forget that I have a bud in one of my ears, because they let sound through pretty well and are very comfortable.

  10. I wish someone could find the master tapes for the OT, so we can finally get a full version of this song.

  11. Not master tapes but there has been an impressive (and expensive) collaborative fan project called 4k83, which is exactly what it sounds like - 4k scans of original ROTJ 35mm prints, cleaned up and color corrected, and, as a matter of fact, they've actually completed it and it's available... uuuh.. somewhere... you may need to do some searching. I think they've completed two of the films now and are just about done with Empire as well!

  12. How about in any Jesus literature before John, something considered by scholars to be more historical?

  13. Lowkey I thought the punchline was that they were both bottoms and instead of fucking got nervous and played MK instead

  14. Every time I see this video, I forget what the joke is intended to be and think it's this. I think we can agree it works both ways (unlike...)

  15. Kas ir tas džeks priekšā kreisajā pusē? Mani jau tikko uzvilka; besī, ja ir 150 mati, tos negriež, bet pārķemmē pār galvu, lai izskatās, ka ir

  16. tā džeka fun facts: jaunievēlētais klimata un enerģētikas ministrs bez pieredzes ar klimatu un enerģētiku - pat vairāk, profesionāls lauksaimnieks -, pirms gada bija kategoriski pret viņa tagad vadītās ministrijas izveidi, un piedevām visam pa virsu debīla frizūra

  17. I don't know if this counts as an academic citation as per the rules, but Joel Baden's twitter thread on the pentateuch informed a lot of my source hypothesis related notes. And in my copy, Gen 21-22 looks like an absolute hodgepodge of (mostly) J and E. I do recommend checking out that thread for some pretty interesting explanations of why he assigns which paragraph to which source! :D

  18. number 5 is a certified hood classic, number 4 is simple, yet true and goals

  19. I know it's a drawing. Guy isn't just limited to real people? I dont get what the point of this comment is.

  20. I think they might be saying that in a drawing, one can make a catboy or catman look as cute as they like, so, while it's a good and cute drawing, it doesn't really say much about how catboys age in reality

  21. This argument is brought up every time, but that doesn't make it correct

  22. The real problem is that the insulation is actually very bad due to the houses not being designed for heat.

  23. Coming from Sweden I can tell you this: Good insulation is great if your weather is weeks of 10°C followed by one random day of 34°C and then back to our regular programming.

  24. I'm from the Baltics, you are spot on

  25. Varētu izveidoties prokremliska koalīcija nākamajās vēlēšanās - Saskaņa + Stabilitātei + LPV + Progresīvie

  26. politologa kungs, progresīvie labi vēl ja ar vienotību veidos valdību un varēs kaut ko sarunāt, kur nu vēl ar viņu polāro pretstatu šleseru (ar kuru starp citu daudz vairāk kopīga ir nacionāļiem)

  27. Tā no malas var šķist, bet Progresīvie varētu apmest kažoku un, kad Latvija vairs nav izdevīga, kļūt par krievu progresīvajiem. Ceru ka maldos, bet viņu sākotnējā attieksme pret valsts aizsardzību, neierašanās uz latviešu valodas likumu komisijas sēdēm, priekšsēdētājas vēsturiskā Latvijas okupācijas noliegšana, tas viss kopā liek ar viņiem būt ļoti uzmanīgiem. Ir arī ārkārtīgi labi piemēri, tādēļ ceru ka šauju absolūti greizi.

  28. Labi, ja teikšu, ka man ir insider informācija un varu galvot ka ir safe, derēs? :)

  29. Is the president in Latvia elected by an electoral college or a national assembly or something like that?

  30. The parliament elects, at least 51 out of 100 votes required to get elected President (parliament is made up of 100 MPs elected by the public in the general election last October)

  31. So basically the same as most democracies electing their leader so not the first openly gay "president" if he was elected by election then it would be different like the US or Ireland presidents

  32. I'm gonna be real with you, I didn't understand what you wrote. The office is called "President" and it's different from some other countries in that his executive power is very limited and thus he is not elected in a general election. The prime minister and his cabinet are the main holders of executive power in Latvia. Nevertheless, he holds the title of President and meets with other countries' heads of state, whether president or not, whenever heads of state meet.

  33. I feel your desparation, and it's so difficult to find one I vibe with, lol. I've even started to make note after note in a notebook regarding my ideas for changes to the DOTF script (hear me out), with ways to rehabilitate the Reylo story in that, since to me it's more workable than TROS, despite a distinct lack of Reylo as-written.

  34. The "throwing your daughters to a massive crowd about to rape angels" is the one that gets me.

  35. what's funny is in that story, the crowd is like nah, we want the angels. However, later, in the book of Judges, there's a parallel story where, again, a guy has guests ( a Levite and his concubine), the people of his town want to rape them, and the guy offers them instead his daughters and the Levite's concubine. The Levite then grabs his concubine, throws her out into the crowd and locks the door.

  36. Lucas loved Rogue One - he and I have at least one thing in common

  37. in all four pictures it's literallly just the hairstyle

  38. I knew that he wouldn't accept the saber. Not from spoilers, which I didn't read. just knew. from what would make logical sense in the story. it is a story, isn't it? I did find the gag a bit too comedic for my taste at the time though.

  39. Yh I don’t think so, I know that’s the name jews call their god but I’m pretty sure muslims don’t call their god like that and that its not a name they include as a name for God. Muslims have 99 names for god and yhwh is not one of them.

  40. Yes they don't call him yhwh but the entire religion is an adaptation of jewish and christian myths (also some local arabian polytheistic ones but I don't know much about that) that were floating around arabia at the time, including the appearance of jewish names in the quran like Elijah meaning El is Jah (god is Yahweh or Yahweh is god, I'm not sure how precisely it goes). Also Jesus and others..

  41. First, I’m gonna agree with u on the reference on the naming is from the jewish god. But I’ll disagree with u on your other point, u see calling the entire religion as an adaptation is an incorrect statement and honestly can be considered disrespectful.

  42. I get your point, and we'll just have to agree to disagree there on the adaptation question, it's something historians (not me) can have a better conversation about anyway :D

  43. Saprotu hate postu pret Lembergu bet kas tas par hate pret labējām partijām? Dzīvojam demokrātijā, un ir jābūt abu spārnu politiķiem tādu režīmu kur pie varas ir tikai kreisie sauc par komunismu.

  44. a kur mums kreisais spārns? viena tik ir

  45. Pro, A/P, saskaņa, stabilitātei, LKS gan jau vēl kādu izlaiduz teorētiski skaitās kreisie

  46. Nu okei, stabilitate ir galīgākā vate, lks vairāk vai mazāk arī, saskaņa līdzīgs stāsts, kreisums kas varbūt kaut kādā mērā tur ir ir tāds starp citu punkts. Neviena no šīm nekad nebūs valdībā, tāpēc es neteiktu, ka skaitās. A/P ir sociāli liberāli, bet fiskāli viņi ir tik pat centriski/centriski labēji kā vienotība. Eiropas valstīs (e.g. Vācija) tādi kā a/p neskaitās kreisais spārns. Pro ir tie vieni, par kuriem piekrītu.

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