1. What you describe is similar to my experience. I’m 35/m and while I’ve gotten around, I don’t sleep around frequently. However, I’m always thinking about it, often fantasizing about random people, and sometimes ppl I know, even if I have no intentions of ever being with them physically for personal reasons, I still wonder how they might be in bed. I used to think this made me a bad person, once I realized it was just apart of me, it’s been easier to accept and handle (no pun intended).I don’t feel guilt or Shane about it anymore, but I still consider it a private thing.

  2. I have never wanted to aim my shot at a belly button.. until I saw this

  3. I’ve always like alt girls. I just happen to also be older now

  4. I’ve been waiting all day to start up just so I wouldn’t do that again. Probably gonna still go a few times. Home alone and snowed in is rough sometimes

  5. Been loving alt girls since I was a young man.. I never learn..

  6. I’m glad to see someone else who actually enjoys their HS, I felt like the only one for a while lol . Good for you , I hope you find another relationship where you are able to indulge as much as you want 😊

  7. Thanks. And yea, it’s a little frustrating staying. I try to be open about it without being pervy. But.. can’t help how some people think so..

  8. Well I have another day to myself. Might as wee keep going. You?

  9. Boys who think you’re ugly are superficially stupid

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