1. So this means whoever is in the office in 2024 after the next presidential election , can spend unlimited amounts of money after 2025? So let's say instead of 895 billion for military spending they can just raise it to 4 trillion... and then what happens to debit ceeling, can it also go "to unlimited debit", I just don't understand why they don't do anything to lower debit?

  2. Nein die Wahrheit. Ja Lebensmittel sind derzeit teurer als sie sein sollten und es gehört ein Riegel vorgeschoben. Aber wenns mir noch immer so gut geht das ich de fakto "Luxus"güter kaufen kann wie Bier und Nutella kanns einen nicht so schlecht gehen.

  3. ahjo wärend sich die Reichen mit Ihren fetten Gewinnen erstmol an neuen Tesler kaufen und Geld zum scheise abwichen benutzten, "darf" sich der normale Bürger keine "luxusgüter" leisten xD, schön das i jetzt auf alles verzichten muss während andere das Geld nur so ausm Fernster schmeisen :DDD

  4. Bro this is some epic shit man!!!! I feel every word your singing hahahahahah.

  5. I feel your pain! I live in Canada and the corruption here runs so deep and has been flagrantly flaunted in front of our eyes the last few years. It's so bloody apparent and yet somehow all these actors still get up in the morning in their luxury homes and claim a privileged position in society while telling lies all day, everyday, pretending to care about the real problems everyone else faces. All they care about is maintaining their lifestyle and privilege. I am so sick of this, too!! Fellow ape, may we all one day live in a country free from corruption. This is my fervent prayer and why I've hodled for over two years now. Also DRS'd xxx shares. Bless you.

  6. Thank you for your words, I never thought that this is soo bad in Canada dam…..

  7. very true, i was on my alt and did a few dungeons and my main is a hunter - i was so shocked when he told me the story.

  8. Dear Robby, i love your outlook and i will always support you and your company and in the future you and your team will change the world of gaming and i am so happy to be a part of it. as a gamer i can't wait to see the futer thank you for beeing awesome.

  9. Mhhh interessiert if you know how the market is going to traide every day you would make a lot of money mhhhhhhhhhh

  10. Ahh I see I will save this post for later this year thank you for service … good day sir!

  11. True, I hope put their money where their mouth is.

  12. It's from 2 years ago and just says "Peloton is a buy"

  13. I’m sorry I already saved these images and you cannot buy them because I’m the sole owner

  14. Uhm they’re not an artist if they use AI to create their pictures, no offense..

  15. Idk them personally but check his HF’s SEC filings. I think GEO is one of them. But he is short, but in a way that will make his payoff long aka he won’t cash out till his shares are marked long. Which takes a full year of holding said stocks. So look at when he formed his position and understand that he looks to cash out at least a year after then.

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