1. Takis have produced some of the worst poops I’ve ever had but I just can’t stay away from them.

  2. I was in the toilet blasting away my last meal posting this

  3. Move out if you can afford to. If you can't, find ways to avoid them until you can move out...this is also motivation to work harder and make money so you can move out and get peace of mind.

  4. Pink Floyd specifically, and classic rock in general.

  5. It's aurora for me. There's very few pop music and artists out there that I actually like.

  6. NTA. No way you're the bad guy here. None of this is your fault. Don't beat yourself up about this whole thing. I know it sucks, I know it's unimaginably hard to be a child stuck between parents who can't get along with each other. But it isn't your fault. Your parent's problems are on them and that other woman is your dad's fault. They have no right to blame you for anything you're feeling right now. You're a kid who witnessed her parent do something that broke the family apart. Your feelings are valid. Hope you push through all of this. You're NOT the bad guy here in any way.

  7. When they called me one time at 2 am and told me that they'd got themselves into a mess and when I said "you got to learn how to handle yourself" and they threatened they'd kill themselves if I didn't come over.

  8. Yup. I was the one who got her to therapy and even paid for the first few sessions. So I called her therapist and said what happened and she told me that she can't give details but my friend isn't actually suicidal. So I blocked her on everything and haven't looked back since. This was 2 years ago.

  9. Suicide note by jurrivh. It's not a song, just piano, but its so calming and good to fall asleep to.

  10. "If you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it somewhere between shit and syphillis"

  11. I remember the exact time, date and years of the last 3 compliments I received from girls. So yea, it's not awkward. Your compliment might very well turn out to be a fond memory for the man.

  12. Honestly I don't even notice them. And even when I do, I don't feel digusted or anything like that. As a fighter, and a former fat kid, my body has stretch marks and scars all over and I know very well that most times, stretch marks are in fact, an indication of hard work. So I just admire them sometimes.

  13. Even if you haven't seen em in a while, I'm sure there's SOMEONE out there who cares for you. Trust me I gave a similar background. Cut off 99.99% of everyone I know, moved far away. Everyone else dead. I felt alone for a long time, but love spans all distance and time and I am a firm believer that everyone has someone out there who cares for you, whether you know it or not

  14. Thanks. I don't just "feel" alone tho, I know I am alone😂. I literally have letters in my room written to a few people and some instructing what should be done because I know if I die, I'd only be found weeks later probably because of the stink lol. I used to scroll throught my contacts, followers on instagram to find just one person to talk to when I felt low. It all sounds so stupid now after I've just come to accept the fact that this is how life is going to be for me.

  15. Hey... thank you!! You don't have to, you don't owe me anything. Have a great day!

  16. I'm sorry for what you went through with finding your ex-girlfriend cheating on you. I felt that pain. Your post was hard to read. It touched me as two ex-boyfriends cheated on me AND got their woman pregnant. The first time it happened, I was shocked and devastated. I felt numb and depressed for a long time. The second time I was cheated on, I was shocked, hurt, and angry as well, but I felt more upset with myself. I felt like I "should have been smarter, more aware" of the signs. I felt like a fool and stupid.

  17. That sucks. Being deprived of attention, not being noticed enough and suddenly we get breadcrumbs of those from someone and we fall for them. How stupid we are!! I've been there too. Sorry for what happened with you and I'm happy you pushed through. And yes hopefully there are good people out there and hope you find them. I'd like to believe so too.

  18. "Sound of silence" by Disturbed - the live version on Conan

  19. When I pulled my zipper up and pinched my foreskin as a kid.

  20. I’m sorry you feel that way 😿 thats awful though don’t let it get to you. You seem very kind and respectable.

  21. Too late... it's been going on for a while now, so it already got to me😂 I avoid working out beside girls in the gym when there's very few people around, I don't get into elevators when it's just me and another lady, I avoid walking or running behind women or children in the evening or in the early mornings at all costs and I've completely stopped approaching women and parents with children for any reason in public😂 But hey... thank you for your kind words. Wish I had your optimism!!

  22. Omg im gonna cry 😿 it’s sad that you feel the need to do this. I wish I could meet you in real life and give you a hug. If it makes you feel better just know there will always be someone who cares about you. I know these sound like empty words, but i actually mean them. I wish i could help all thhe people who feel different and alone because I know exactly how it feels.

  23. Yes it's hard and lonely... your words are enough kind internet stranger😂 Thank you for the nicest things I've heard in a long long time!!

  24. Just keep your hands to the side and maintain eye contact while listening. While talking, open arms while explaining or suggesting something could make them feel more welcome and comfortable. Otherwise you could just subtly point to the subject of that part of your conversation with your finger.

  25. Seems like you feel lonely. Have you tried being direct in communicating this to your boyfriend?

  26. Actually, yes, I told him how I felt, he tried to understand me, but I think it's not easy for a person who always had a lot of friends around him.

  27. You're not wrong to feel what you're feeling. And we can't blame him too for having friends and having fun. Just try to think rationally. One, you should prioritize each other. So think about a potential solution, like meeting more than just once a week, and talk about it with him. If he's considerate, he should act on it, or come up with a solution that works for the both of you. Two, try a hobby or something fun to be happy with your own company. It's perfectly fine to feel lonely sometimes, and I know it's hard, but it's good if you can figure out a way for yourself to enjoy your own company.

  28. I see. Was it oftentimes the girls or guys who developed feelings? Or maybe 50-50?

  29. Kinda both. Like I know 7 pairs who'd tried. The girls were first to catch feelings in 5 of those. The rest were guys.

  30. That’s what I thought, that it was the girls who’d developed feelings first, ugh…

  31. From your posts and other comments, seems like your own personal experience😂. Do what you feel is right... but my advice, as hard as it may seem, don't do it.

  32. Waited 14 hours in the terminal due to a delay without a phone or laptop or any electronic device.

  33. Aram was the only one who truely had the brains to take over from Red and was actually Anges' god father... I danno how she ended up with Harold... I feel like the show could have gone in a totally different direction of his actor hadn't wanted to leave the show.

  34. Except Red would shoot himself before shooting Liz.

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