1. you guys were able to get responses back? I have emailed like 2-3 times now and have gotten absolutely zero response.

  2. "stanz never did anything bad" he quit Dark Souls smh

  3. If you want more diversity keeping some pre evos would be a cool idea. Obviously no clue how ur playing it because making sure mons don't accidentally evolve can be a pain

  4. This looks like something matpat will analyze. Goes hard af

  5. Mods pls tell me if i should remove this

  6. The 3ds emulator on vita tripping me out

  7. He's streaming it from his PC to his Vita probably through Moonlight. The Vita won't ever be able to emulate the 3DS

  8. Probably but the mind fuck is wild to me lol

  9. It is something I wasn't expecting to see today. But I am hoping it isn't just Splatoon 3 demo kiosks at tournies. The great thing would be if they helped cover venue fees and contribute to prizepools. I assume if they are working the PG team on this it's going to be what we see for tournament rulesets like at frostbite or genesis, where Ult isn't really effected but when it comes to Melee stuff gets complicated because of the use of software like Slippi UCF and even the frozen stadium cheat losing those pieces might make it more of a turn off for melee players and the big N doesn't like people modding their stuff. Also this can definitely effect other companies that broadcast smash tournies (Beyond The Summit and VGBootCamp) if Nintendo ends up poaching them from broadcasting majors and the only way top players are going to compete is through this circuit.

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