1. Sometimes its becomes a habit if someone served in the military

  2. Or of you're raised by a militant family and you're taught it as a phrase of respect and endearment.

  3. Anti vaccine mindsets pushing against here immunity and allowing a resurgence of "forgotten" illnesses , coupled with a failing healthcare system in America.

  4. Iron. For manipulation of most things metallic, especially steel.

  5. Do you still count as a virgin if you have a cucumber for a boyfriend?

  6. I’m proud too! Real masculinity is based on respect, for others and one’s self.

  7. I was a virgin until 20 and at that point I was 3 years into my first relationship.

  8. If they dont like what they see thats their problem

  9. Not really a fucked up statement but its almost Altruistic.

  10. I cant mistake my homies for my lovers again though

  11. How often will someone know your name on a first encounter basis though?

  12. "Lesbians of Reddit, are you more of an Ass-gal or a breasts-gal?"

  13. Not really a "wtf" kinda thing, I mean I would be making datapads like these as a joke and hiding them like Easter eggs

  14. Did you steal that beard off of Rhett from Good Mythical Morning?

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