1. She literally drew her gun on the suspicious vehicle rolling their window up while ignoring commands. Why would she think shots were coming from anywhere but there? If she did, horrible instincts and training.

  2. Hmm what would be a good replacement for silk/gladiator? Maybe Master Mold and Grandmaster? Titania is solid power.

  3. I put zemo in for gladiator and it has been working pretty well. I also have Jeff in for silk.

  4. The border and effect choice system isn't what I thought we'd get. I thought we would be able to mix and match, like if I had glimmer on a foil variant I could use that glimmer on a gold variant. Oh well.

  5. Wow, thanks for the amazing recommendation. Fear street. Never heard of it before, so I watched the trailer and saw the ratings..looks really good.

  6. It's excellent! Each movie is a homage to a different horror genre

  7. I’m trying PF with nimrod, what’s your deck look like?

  8. I'm not OP, but I've been using this one and it's not bad:

  9. Im more optimistic about Adam. Being good in Mr. Negative doesn’t make a card good. In decks that can output a deck amount of power turns 1-4 he’s a 5/4 draw a card most of the time, which could be good in dependable discard since you need the consistency of modok.

  10. Yeah, I have paper maps. Sometimes, I am where there is no cell service, and I want to know where that road goes.

  11. Download offline maps, it's helped me in those times of need

  12. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.SwellGamesLLC.MonsterTilesTD

  13. If this were a low-budget rental/"landlord special", I'd say...ok...everything other than picture 8 and the sticking door is shitty, but fine (and picture 8 would be a relatively quick fix). But as a homeowner who paid someone else do to that...WTF?

  14. I dunno, Even for that situation I don't think it'd be fine at all. This is the worst work I've ever seen

  15. This looks like a deck from before Galactus was nerfed

  16. I'm from the UK and I've always wanted to live in one of those semi-detached houses in that exact style. I'm not sure if it's Victorian or Edwardian, but I've always loved them.

  17. I wonder if it's just my weird American way of thinking but I've never understood the appeal of buying a house that shares a wall with your neighbors. If I'm buying a house and property I don't want to be able to hear whatever the hell is going on next to me.

  18. Doesn't horsecollar require getting the pads? I thought if it was all jersey it was allowed

  19. Interesting. I have a hard time understanding how it’s consistent with that list but maybe it’s because I never run into it.

  20. Discard is much more targeted now. Makes it more consistent

  21. Gasp, another Zabu! I really want a good Zabu variant but just couldn't justify spending the keys on hoping to get him this week.

  22. His splits look bad on the new variant too

  23. Super fun when you aren't series 3  complete, which I would assume is a majority of players. 

  24. I really hate these locations but I guess when you view it like that it makes more sense, I just assumed most people are series 3 complete already.

  25. I've been using "I got a rock" for almost a year now.

  26. Click; I still don’t think it’s very funny but man it makes me cry, and Twilight is genuinely hilarious if you view it as a comedy.

  27. Just re-watched this the other day with the family, man I had completely forgotten that it's actually a really sad movie and not just another Adam Sandler flick.

  28. Reddit is full of right-wingers, This site was the home of The_Donald remember.

  29. It's also full of left-wingers, it's also full of neutral parties. It's also full of people who don't care and live elsewhere. It's almost as if anyone can be on Reddit. Crazy.

  30. I dunno, I tried everything for 6 months and only finally started getting relief from my sciatica after I went to a chiropractor a couple times. So they have their place I believe.

  31. I think it's pretty clear the reason this was done wasn't to "avoid disappointing players", but to up the FOMO. Companies have years of market research that suggests FOMO increases revenue, even if players overall don't like it. Whatever rationale they are saying, it's corporate speak.

  32. To be fair they do have to deal with a whole lot of bitching and moaning from entitled gamers when anything that is datamined is changed before release also.

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