1. Ubisoft isnt going down...

  2. That pause/stare at the cameraman in infrared really made me think I was witnessing a potential pre-meditated homicide

  3. I mean, he did murder that tree right in front of us

  4. Aww little guy scared of the Russians it's ok buddy don't worry the rest of the world will fight for you just like the rest of us decided to fight the Nazis instead of say sure bro don't hurt me just use my country all you want.

  5. Just to clarify so even you understand what I meant- Poor you for not having the capacity to understand what I meant, poor you for assuming Im on Russias side or afraid of russia, poor you for acting like a child with empty insults at a growups table

  6. No it's poor you for thinking wars can be avoided. Oh we will be joining the war but you see this time your country is part of fighting this time so buck up buttercup you'll be fighting to this time. Maybe ask your neighbor for tips on how to shoot Russians.

  7. "Tips on how to shoot" just shows how little you know me and how little you understand about what Im said in this thread- war is inevitable ofc but peace is not and ukraine needs peace now more than ever... But go take your big mouth to ukraine and maybe you can annoy the russians to death? Probably would be more effective than nukes tbh

  8. Don't blindly believe random text above an image. We should be better than this.

  9. Dont blindly believe random comment in a post with random text above an image

  10. Jeez thats the thinnest legs I have seen, flamis you need to eat buddy

  11. So its AI art that the devs can create themselves for free...

  12. Highly skeptical to the accuracy in this image(size, quantity and our knowledge) but I have to agree its cool image

  13. Thats a prank video, not a motivational "dont judge a book by its cover" video

  14. Hehe thats highly ineffective... instead of what? Protective armor? What is the speciality? Carjacking?

  15. Every... Single... Freaking... Game... Dammit

  16. Not impressed until they survive 5 pullups

  17. I dont think 90% would call the "battles" that you are referring to as battles

  18. Is this not global warming? We as humans are like the frog in the boiling water. Put a frog in hot water and it’ll jump out but slowly boil the water the frog is in and the frog will boil to death. We are slowly getting worse weather all over the world and then someday probably soon, we are all fucked. And not enough people give a shit. Sad.

  19. No this is the result of the cloud seeding program they were bragging about for a couple of months ago

  20. Not when they cause it themselves

  21. And I bring the cake, we need to celebrate you coming out of the closet

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