1. I wonder. Girl's been using his child like a bring-to doll for 5 years straight while giving 0 fucks about his mental and physical well-being as well as occupying him with people he shouldn't even be with until he's sane enough. Blasting music and putting him in a party bus with the bunch of drunk people, letting the man sign the shirt with his father beating another man nearly to death in all smiles and hiding behind that boy and her being the "single mom" whenever any criticism arises

  2. It’ll be cool to see him replace abraham on the line up in season 7. It’ll justified daryl punching negan in the face.

  3. They don’t see gek as a child with his own thoughts and feelings but more of an extension of X 💰

  4. I feel like she was acting this way because she wanted to get a “what’s wrong with you” reaction out of Trish lol I’m glad she didn’t.

  5. I’m sorry but these look so staged like I’m not convinced these are actually real text messages

  6. OMFG BYEEE this man aging so fast he gotta stop drinking and smoking so much 😭😭😭💀

  7. I don’t even think it’s just that. It’s a scientific fact that white men age and bald quicker than others.

  8. Look of you don't bring the receipts, then shut up! She said she'll get the receipts later, and that's not how this works. I know Bryce has had a bumpy road, and yes, he has done some messed up things in life. But I don't believe these girls at all. If this situation was real or serious, they wouldn't be laughing so much, which pisses me off. If someone really is doing stuff like this, you don't laugh about it! Also, I've been watching bryce since 2015. Trust me unless her friend is extremely hot and has a curvy body that's banging. There's no way they were actually in the same section as him. That's not me trying to be mean. That's facts. I have heard rumors about him being shallow and have seen proof 100% he has a type.

  9. I agree with this. If I’m accusing someone of something, im gonna immediately back it up with receipts.

  10. White men age terribly by the time they’re 30 compared to white women that’s why

  11. Honestly people really need to not make serious allegations like this with no proof. I thought it was sketchy too.

  12. notice how we talking bout her again, yall need to use your brains. she’s relevant again

  13. Right. She just seeking attention from shit that happened 7 years ago. Her OF money must be running low.

  14. I noticed that katelyn has been doing her dirty lately. they must’ve gotten into a fight. 😂

  15. Wow this Vinnie Hacker guy is really pleasant to look at!😐

  16. This is what happens when you hire influencers who are just attractive and not actual models.

  17. It’s like she’s trying to convince everyone that she’s ok with it when she’s probably not..

  18. It’s a lot of work to remember what he’s supposed to be doing and saying when seen out in public with her. I’m sure he’s concentrating on how he was told to act around the scheduled paparazzi call for them to be seen on this vacation.

  19. Her taking deep breaths in between to suck in her stomach even more. How does one not get tired being this lame?

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