1. Very nice. Only thing i have are 2x 2-Euro coins "Slava Ukraini" from Estonia, ordered them quite early when they were available, i think they have cost 8 Euro altogether with shipping included. Wish i had ordered more of these.

  2. Beautiful work. Slava Ukraini

  3. I have many postage sets available, and I still have a few of spare 20 UAH vertical bills "We'll remember! We won't forgive!" available as well as some coins (Patriot coin, Territorial Defense Forces, Special Operations Forces, Sunflowers coin, "On the Guard of Life" coin and others) and the other wartime postage sets (F-16 /Fighters of Evil/, Banksy, "UA tractor towing Z-tank", Weapons of Victory (1st and 2nd edition of this series), Crimean Bridge and many others), patches and the Ghost of Kyiv manga (comics). Check out the sticky posts in my Reddit profile for pics and info. I live and mail from Voznesensk, Ukraine, and donate part of the proceeds to the war effort. You may contact me in Chat or rather email to 

  4. Writing on the statue: «І прийде час, коли один скаже: «Слава Україні!», а мільйони відповідатимуть: «Героям слава!».  ("And the time will come when one will say: "Glory to Ukraine!", and millions will answer: "Glory to the heroes!".

  5. Writing on the statue: «І прийде час, коли один скаже: «Слава Україні!», а мільйони відповідатимуть: «Героям слава!».  ("And the time will come when one will say: "Glory to Ukraine!", and millions will answer: "Glory to the heroes!".

  6. I have many postage sets available, and I still have a few of spare 20 UAH vertical bills available as well as some coins (Patriot coin, Territorial Defense Forces, Special Operations Forces, Sunflowers coin, "On the Guard of Life" coin and others) and the other wartime postage sets (F-16 /Fighters of Evil/, Banksy, "UA tractor towing Z-tank", Weapons of Victory (1st and 2nd edition of this series), Crimean Bridge and others), patches and the Ghost of Kyiv manga (comics). Check out the sticky posts in my Reddit profile for pics and info. I live and mail from Voznesensk, Ukraine, and donate part of the proceeds to the war effort. You may contact me in Chat or rather email to 

  7. Da fuq she was tryna say... B..., come and and live where I and my family live in the Mykolaiv region fkr a while and then I will listen to your concerns after some time. F....

  8. Because "WeSt BaD". Russia aint the west so they're okay.

  9. I have many postage sets available, and I still have a few of spare 20 UAH vertical bills available as well as some coins (Patriot coin, Territorial Defense Forces, Special Operations Forces, Sunflowers coin, "On the Guard of Life" coin and others) and the other wartime postage sets (F-16 /Fighters of Evil/, Banksy, "UA tractor towing Z-tank", Weapons of Victory (1st and 2nd edition of this series), Crimean Bridge and others), patches and the Ghost of Kyiv manga (comics). Check out the sticky posts in my Reddit profile for pics and info. I live and mail from Voznesensk, Ukraine, and donate part of the proceeds to the war effort. You may contact me in Chat or rather email to 

  10. Upvoting this type of content just seems wrong… but people need to see it, they need to understand that ruSSians are nothing more than terrorists.

  11. I have many postage sets available, and I still have a few of spare 20 UAH vertical bills available as well as some coins (Patriot coin, Territorial Defense Forces, Special Operations Forces, Sunflowers coin, "On the Guard of Life" coin and others) and the other wartime postage sets (F-16 /Fighters of Evil/, Banksy, "UA tractor towing Z-tank", Weapons of Victory (1st and 2nd edition of this series), Crimean Bridge and others), patches and the Ghost of Kyiv manga (comics). Check out the sticky posts in my Reddit profile for pics and info. I live and mail from Voznesensk, Ukraine, and donate part of the proceeds to the war effort. You may contact me in Chat or rather email to 

  12. Igor, do you have any patches or chevrons for sale?

  13. Yes, I do. You may write to me in reddit chat, as you did before

  14. Obviously, the dude is just a foot fetishist but more elaborate one

  15. I live Ukraine close to the frontline (Google my town Voznesensk, or battle for Voznesensk). I have been donating regularly to the war effort and (as gratitude for my donations) occasionally receive some Russian trophy items (including a couple of patches taken off dead Russian soldiers) from the Frontline. I don't offer anything on ebay though. But you can check my reddit profile, or rather, my Twitter page igor0976UA

  16. Oh, you Poland will be next. In a few years. Mark my words as a Ukrainian living in Ukraine.

  17. Підари в цьому експерти.

  18. Так, тільки що було дуже гучно у нас((

  19. Тисячі теплих обіймів з Києва вам. Тримайтесь і нехай все обійдеться.

  20. Дякую. Ви теж тримайтеся у Києві. Разом до Перемоги!

  21. Lovely. Absolute world class incompetence and impotence from that limp dick in the kremlin. Imagine being so bad at your job that you've only been able to yeet your "best rockets in the world" into playgrounds and random apartment buildings because you suck too much to hit anything of military value.

  22. Why do people even vote over there?

  23. If they don't vote, they will have visitors to remind and get them to vote. Russia is turning into North Korea.

  24. Ты лично знал Николая Кравченко ака Крук? Это мой троюродный брат.

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