1. None. I would allow the God of Israel to do His job, and not try to replace Him with inadequate substitutes.

  2. I think a lot of it boils down to the enneagram type. Most INFJs are not Enneagram 7 and 8, and most ENTPs are 7's and 8's. 7's can lack discipline and integrity, and 8's can be too controlling and domineering. These ENTPs can be interesting to chat with, but I don't think I would want to marry one, unless I found an enneagram 5 or 6, not that there aren't any other aspects of compatibility to measure. Just my thoughts here.

  3. It may help you limit your portion size, if you don't add more to it. The people who generally have the worst problem with portion size when it comes to eating ice cream are those who eat it directly from the container. My grandfather died of a heartattack, as he was a very obese man, and his family members recall him eating a gallon of ice cream every night. They had to tote him around in the back of a truck.

  4. I know how Hebrew works, again I speak it. I also know you don’t know what you’re talking about because you used Yah. Never ever bring Yah to a conversation about Hebrew… makes you look idiotic

  5. Because some non Jews decided that יהוה is pronounce Yahweh (shortened to Yah). It’s offensive. To Jews that word is actually unpronounceable and we just say Adonai. So your use of Yah is telling. Don’t ever try to school a Jew on our language and be so ignorant.

  6. I use Yah because this is how it is used in Hebrew root words of names. It's pretty simple. Azariah (Help is Yah), Yadidyah/Jedediah (beloved is Yah), Tsadekiah/Zedekiah (Righteous is Yah).....Zephaniah, Zebediah ... and that long list continues on. Yah is in all of these names. To reject the Messiah of Yisrael, is offensive to God (El), you know? There is no way to the Father, if the Son is rejected. The Son is His image. Yah combined with Shua (Yahshua) is Yah Saves, that is Jesus.

  7. Only vanilla pipe tobacco smells nice to me. Marijuana (skunk weed) is terrible smelling to me, worse than cigarettes.

  8. The nose looks fine to me, just remove the septum, especially if you want to not draw attention to your nose.

  9. I'm neither of those groups. Yes the worm died not and fire is not quenched is a idiom for gehenna,, in the valley of hinnom. God reveals His character throughout the Bible, yet we find zero parts where He reveals Himself as a torturer. Much of the world and even much of the Christian church gets upset when I point this out. Not sure why...well, I have my guesses that I will keep to myself. Study out the word gehenna that most Bibles translate to hell, when they should just leave as gehenna.

  10. Jesus warned about the torment of hell. The lake of fire is real and legitimate... a literal place and not an allegory. In this place, there is gnashing of teeth. The fiery torment does indeed exist, as the Bible outright says. The Bible tells us in the book of Revelation, that this place was originally meant for the rebellious fallen angels, but the book of Revelation also goes on to inform us that those who take the mark of the beast will also end up there.

  11. It's a place of destruction and yes, it is real. Eternal life is not granted to the unsaved.

  12. Sodom and Gomorrah, the plagues of Egypt, the flood of Noah's Ark.... God has wrath and the Bible strongly warns us about it. The thing is, no one has to be subject to it, because mercy and forgiveness are available for anyone who takes hold. But to reject this free gift, is certain destruction. God has done everything possible on His end to ensure that no one has to be destroyed, but nevertheless, humanity has been given freewill, and they may choose life or death. This is Biblical. God must punish the wicked, and this is everyone who is unwilling to receive the blood payment that He made for them, those who have rejected the only Source of Life, and those who reject being filled with His Righteous Spirit. There is no life outside of God, and there is no hope or righteousness outside of Him. There is no sustaining outside of the Sustainer. The Bible warns us about all of these things because they are true and accurate. God's love is deepest, and His wrath is also to be feared.

  13. Though it is considered an unrealistic enneagram type for an INFJ... the 8w9. Stats pretty much put it at 0% when it comes to that enneagram type coupled with INFJ. Perhaps that is the appeal of the character though.

  14. Its extremely rare but totally possible an Ni is a function who wants control over things and a developed Fe who is in touch with their Ti can make logical decision based on what is important for the future and harmony . And INFJ is in touch with their Ti very much. Therefore it's still a rare ennegram for INFJ but not unrealistic.

  15. ESTP 1w2 is considered virtually non-existent, but Stephen Amell was typed as one. So it's possible. I also like the character Ulfric Stormcloak (Skyrim), and he is a rare/non-existent ENFJ 8w9.

  16. Schumacher isn't straight. I believe that bat nipples were his idea, also the butt shots.

  17. I believe in God, and not because I have a fear of death. Personally, I would rather be where He is.

  18. Septums don't look great. It's not propaganda, but just pointing out that it's not attractive - also like covering a body with tattoos.

  19. I like her getting experimental surgery and then being able to kick ass again. Apparently that happened

  20. I wouldn't think she would want to risk her body again like that though, so the decision to make her a physical fighter just doesn't seem like wise writing. Barbara Gordon serving a commissioner seems (as in Batman Beyond) seems reasonable to me. She can shoot a gun, run...but nothing too strenuous like swinging from rooftops...etc...

  21. A girl, something classic sounding for the first name: Vivian, Audrey, Lydia...etc...

  22. You don't look bad. Also, why seeking validation? The only thing I would mention is the upper lip liner, especially on page 6. I would definitely omit it from your makeup regiment.

  23. I like all of those choices, with the exception of Reagan. I know it has its fans, just like Paisley and Poppy have their fans, but I wouldn't be one of them. This has nothing to do with nice people being attached to such names, because I'm sure that names like Elmer and Barney are attached to some nice guys.

  24. They wouldn't dare bother those who they actually fear. Christians are easy targets. We don't go around honor killing, throwing acid in people's faces...etc.... usually Christians are seen as the party pooper, not wanting to participate in the fun that other people are doing, and not putting a stamp of approval on a good time.

  25. The government has made it better for the wealthy and worse for the poor.

  26. Certainly, there are movies where the main female protagonist proves to be a formidable force against the antagonists. These films often revolve around the theme of underestimated or underestimated female characters seeking justice or revenge. Here are a few examples:

  27. And then the back issues were republished in graphic novel form years later. They were selling quite low (as far as low goes for graphic novels) at Books-a-Million stores.

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