1. Are you under the impression that the majority of gun crime is political

  2. The fact that this many guns are in America is inherently political

  3. A more integrated economy that binds the countries together, kicking out the worst of the bad actors over time (Bashar, the Captagon King comes to mind), and the normalization of relations between Israel and the other Arab nations.

  4. All pales in comparison to Strayed who is a TURK 🇹🇷 OTTOMAN TIME 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷😤😤😤😎😎😎

  5. Every time i think i've seen all there is to baldurs gate 3....

  6. The best gym (Shaw) on post is the 24 hour one, and there is another (slightly rusty) one in Lozada gym

  7. And when he dies the power vacuum will ignite a civil war. Russia is in deep shit 

  8. Nobody I have seen on this sub can answer that question. At least the Kims in North Korea have some kind of line of succession.

  9. The mobile site is not letting me copypasta the whole thing anymore but

  10. South Korea at least had a human shaman advising the president. Supernatural dogs are an entirely different ballgame

  11. A Necro just to be fancy ?

  12. Or a beastmaster’s bear with honey paw has 100% success rate if it hits (bless, bardic inspiration help, but if you’re in honour mode I’d advise a divination wizard)

  13. Divination, lucky, Halfling Luck, gobbling down illithid parasites would result in the luckiest Tav/Durge in the world

  14. I love how the solution to every dust up to to cancel someone.

  15. Free speech doesn’t protect you from the consequences of your own speech

  16. We as a society decide how to respond to speech we don't like. Do we respond with a persuasive rebuttal? Or do we shout them down / cancel / fire them? The latter is a failure to do the work and the path to polarization. 

  17. Society decides that public officials, especially those that work with children, need to check themselves. Especially if there are children affected by both sides of an incredibly complex conflict.

  18. I had to reload a save once when I dropped a dead body in front of DAME AYLIN in camp. Getting into a fight with most of my allies (Minthara sided with me surprisingly) was not on my bucket list

  19. Nice argument senator but why don’t you back that up with a source

  20. You may not quote from my Reddit profile without contributing 5% of your upvotes to my campaign 😎

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