1. I don't know that you can get close enough to actually see them take off. But if your priority is jets, your best bet is probably somewhere right on Miramar Rd, between Camino Santa Fe and Carroll Rd. St. Archer Brewing on Distribution, just off Miramar, has beer and a patio and is pretty much under the takeoff flight path.

  2. To be fair, there were known issues with software in 1999. What wasn't known was how big or small the scale of the problem was. Turned out to be pretty small.

  3. Tried to not drink much water before Dune II and I still had to take a bathroom break.

  4. Maltese crosses, Old English lettering, especially "tombstones" on car rear windows --- they're warning you they're an idiot. Typically "Scarface" is their fave movie of all time.

  5. Is there ever a grate at the end of these things? That’s what I would be afraid of; you’d be stuck.

  6. The In-N-Out where I live paid over $20/hour before the new law kicked in.

  7. My guess is that they raised prices so that they can continue to pay better than minimum wage.

  8. I’d say the odds are 50/50 whether it actually exists at all, or is just a grift.

  9. Yeah. As much as this guys gift is obvious and disgusts me, I'm not really one to believe shit posted online without evidence.

  10. Right? It seems plainly obvious the whole thing was just to cover his bond.

  11. This. The inflated price was in no way connected to its actual or even perceived value, like most "regular" stocks. It was a way for the Russians and Saudis to dump loads of money in his lap as bribes without violating campaign finance laws.

  12. I swear, I'm about to block this sub because it's just too god damn believable and tricks me every time.

  13. It used to be said that a person who wasn't liberal when young had no heart, and a person who wasn't conservative when older had no brain.

  14. I am less idealistic. I'm less likely to try or suggest or advocate for something radical or untried. My risk tolerance is lower. My calculus takes the long term view much more than it used to. In that regard, I am more conservative than my younger self.

  15. I am certain his Russian ties are secretly strong arming our politicians and judges. This whole thing is unnatural.

  16. It went into Cold Storage for a while. It went from the fridge to the freezer. Past several years it's been moved from the freezer back to the fridge and it's thawing.

  17. El Patron in Mira Mesa by the 15 used to have one that was longer than my arm from my elbow to my fingertip. Absolutely massive. It was easily the size of over two "standard" California burritos. Not sure if they still have it.

  18. I hate automatic daytime running lights. And honestly, auto headlights should turn on the tail lights too. Like....why not? It should either be headlights fully on automatically or not at all and rely on enforcing "you turn your headlights on, manually, always"

  19. The film Highlander was released in 1986 and cast a French actor who could barely speak english as a Scotsman and cast a Scottish actor with a very noticeable accent to play an ancient Egyptian Spaniard.

  20. It's still better than Chekovs Russian accent. "Nuclear wessels", as if Russian doesn't have any V's. (Vodka, Vladimir, Vladivostock, Volgograd)

  21. This is how I always describe acrophobia lol. I like hiking upwards, looking over a cliff and being able to see for miles. Rock climbing always looks fun to me.

  22. Yeah. In high-school we had a climbing wall. On top, I was totally fine, stood right on the edge, just chill. Then my coach unclipped me for 3 seconds before clipping me into a different system.

  23. Guarantee that the same people saying this ‘just don’t feel comfortable with a female doctor/pilot/politician’

  24. If I am having an issue with my man parts, I do feel more comfortable with a man doctor. But if a male isn't available, shrug no biggie. And if I were ever in an emergency situation, I could not care less, just please take good care of me whoever you are.

  25. Hot take: all kids need education. All kids also need time to be kids, get outside, touch grass, and be dirty little monkeys blowing off energy, building social skills, and exploring the natural world. There needs to be balance.

  26. Correct. Marriage isn’t a bonding of love, it’s a bureaucratic contract between two people. It, by law, cannot be between three people. They CANNOT both marry him, but ethically, morally, and logistically, they are both married to him.

  27. You're totally right. From a legal perspective, it's just bureaucracy. But love knows no bounds. Love usually aligns with the bureaucracy, but this is obviously a special case. I hope that they're all happy.

  28. Okay, so I have so many questions about this, and I have made some light hearted jokes too (nothing mean or cruel), but jokes and questions put aside...

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