1. I can handle two without LB, but if I see three, or two flashlights and two toolboxes, I don’t think there’s any incentive not to bring it.

  2. The issue with Knight counterplay is that it always becomes just hold forward to the next loop when he goes to use his power since saying at the loop would guarantee a hit on you. The banner mechanic while those give counterplay, in practice good Knight players won’t allow the survivor they’re chasing to even get close since they’ll cut them off from it.

  3. Skull Merchant: Crouch, drones can't see crouching Survivors.

  4. Well, hiding from Dredge in Locker has some major risks, but I would say that if a locker is in a pair, lock them one at a time, because his power only teleports him to the locked one each time. If you only lock one, that gives you a second lock for safety.

  5. I ran into a Slug Doctor not too long ago. I felt like goddamn Prometheus when I got the 4% and extended the game… even if two people already rage quit. I didn’t bother reporting them. Ragequitting a slugger is entirely valid.

  6. Not exactly the same, but I had two Adams and a friend on the new Theatre Map one time, and my friend was looping killer’s legs off while I was on Gen. One Adam was hooked across the map, and the other Adam, let’s call him Adam 2, refuses to go save him despite being way closer to him.

  7. Except Trojan War. Zeus saw every other god rubbing their hands over petty shit and warned them not to get involved but they do so anyway.

  8. The Trojan War was the entire Greek Pantheon watching a cockfight going on and saying to themselves “I’ll take a bit of that action.”

  9. Honestly, Kang works way better as a Time Traveler than a Multiverse Variant, anyways.

  10. 1.) Sandbagging/selling out other survivors. I don’t need your help finding them, and just because you don’t wanna play the game doesn’t mean they don’t either.

  11. Am I the only Knight player who tries not to tunnel or something? I mean it ends up happening sometimes, but it’s never intentional.

  12. no ur not. I'm sure most actual knight mains are not tunneling every game. they make this joke about every killer because tunneling is so common. I also wouldn't consider any killer under p10 as one of the player's main. they probably just playing knight for a tome/challenge, and tunneling is the easiest thing you can do for yourself as killer. 🥰 hope this helps.

  13. I’m not P10 with any killers yet, lol. I play a little of a lot of them. Same with Survivors. I have a few I naturally gravitate towards, though. Knight is maybe my third or fourth most common.

  14. am so hyped no more holding victor hostage, getting power blocked by hooks on indoor maps and actually being able to reach people before they get resuscitated. and partially basekit toy sword and tiny nail we are eating monumental.

  15. You can tell what type of aura perk the killer is running with distortion and tell your swf.

  16. Fortnite started as a PvE Wave-based Fort-building zombie shooter, its full name being “Fortnite: Save the World.”

  17. Kind of an obscure pull, and pretty much the entire joke laid out, but:

  18. To this day when I hear Austin Tindle in an anime dub (yeah I said the D word) a part of me still just hears the zombie magical girl.

  19. There’s nothing wrong with dubs, it’s just a matter of taste. I am now also ready to be crucified by the internet.

  20. The only time I run Barbecue and Chili or Lethal Pursuer are when I have an Aura-related Challenge, or when Aura Builds are the fastest way to get whatever challenge I am doing over with.

  21. I understand that had to do with canceling the show, but removing the preexisting seasons from its streaming service?

  22. At this point, I just assume Zaslav acts out of pure spite for the products and IPs of his company. It’s not enough to just cancel a show/movie for Write-offs, or drown an entire section of the company that gave chances to many creatives… he wants to double and triple down, and create as much hate and bad faith for the company before he jumps out of it with his inevitable CEO golden parachute.

  23. Can it be both? One came from the other, so I’m gonna say both.

  24. Y’all remember an anime called MÄR? I think it was an isekai from before the genre was so oversaturated. The main character’s weapon was a talking… flail? It might’ve been a kendama, but I remember the ball part having a face with a big mustache.

  25. Fun Fact: The creator of MÄR also made a vastly more popular Shonen series, a little ditty by the name of Fairy Tail. There’s also crossovers that the creator does occasionally between all of their characters from their other projects as well. It’s a lot of fun.

  26. From what I can tell this isn't true? MÄR seems to have been written and illustrated by Nobuyuki Anzai, who also made Flame of Recca. Fairy Tail was written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima, who also made Rave Master and Edens Zero.

  27. I feel like Modern Morty would just slowly corrupt Modern Steven even more than the trauma already has.

  28. Is it bad I saw the front and the pink shirt and immediately thought of Arin Hanson?

  29. I was picturing him during the Lightsaber Fightsaber scream, and now I’m cackling comparing the two.

  30. Black Adam was literally only put in for the movie and while I do think his kit is fine Shazam should have absolutely come before him

  31. I would agree, but I like Black Adam’s moveset. PFG really knows how to turn mistakes into miracles by designing fun characters with fun moves.

  32. The game Control has a reference to the machine as well.

  33. There’s also a Fan-Made Map that was officially added to the game Dungeon Defenders based around it. If you beat it on a super hard difficulty, you get an OP Pet that is just the arcade cabinet itself.

  34. My dumb ass didn’t see the tag and was like “Christ, this community is at it again.”

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