1. Is it just me, or does Henry in the new game look different? Hans Capon still looks the same in the face to his actor Luke Dale, but Henry looks different to me, even when comparing to Tom McKay in the pic you posted here, Henry looks different. My first thought was maybe it’s a few years later and he’s supposed to be older now, but Hans Capon doesn’t look like he’s aged a day since KCD 1 so why would Henry look different?

  2. Henry was ~15 or so in KC:D. Hans a little older. So it has surely been a few good years so naturally he has changed quite a bit

  3. I made what was basically the Cavalier of Artificers using vehicles called the Cartman

  4. What are the chances this will be released on Steam and not their horrible Ubisoft launcher?

  5. Type 1 here, not nearly as much. Maybe if possible switch to the pens where you just change the needle on the end. I use those called Novo Nordisk

  6. In a year where we got Helldivers 2? Absolutely fucking not

  7. Looks great. Does fog of war work yet?

  8. Reason why I love the 50% chance of not dying armor. 50% of the time works 100% of the time, it has saved my ass more than anything else

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