1. When there was the Scalar Potential vs Oversoul Edict debate, I crafted both and it is insane how much physical HUD space is taken up by Oversoul, almost like carrying around a Rocket Launcher.

  2. That’s why I preferred Go Figure over Blast Furnace. I don’t like guns like Blast Figure that just take up the right side of the screen when you sprint. Hung Jury is probably the worst for that, I don’t know what changed because in D1 I don’t remember it taking up so much screen real estate like it does in D2.

  3. Everyone keeps saying KF and RoN weapons but those are my favorites cause they’re so unique. The only ones I don’t really like are the SUROS auto rifles in particular with that weird, half finished looking boxy dome shape. Sorrow’s verse comes to mind but there are a couple with this model.

  4. Funny I’ve always had a soft spot of Suros ARs because they sort of look like they’re guns from Starship Troopers.

  5. It wasn't Tyrell political move , Renly pulled them in. He was in power and in control.

  6. I mean he could’ve sailed to Dragonstone and asked Stannis what was up. But he didn’t because he wanted the throne for himself. He says so when he was talking with Catelyn.

  7. Still farming an Elsie’s rifle. Looking for a Zen Moment/Desperado roll.

  8. Explosive light is better than bns for onslaught imo (on 🚀)

  9. I’ve been using bipod for the increased reserves. Run the ordnance mod with the mod that gives charged with light stacks on multi kills with GLs and rockets from the seasonal artifact and the less damage is no big deal. I just swap to Dragon’s Breath for bosses.

  10. I said in another thread but I think Master of Arms could use a bump up to 20% increase to body shots only and keep the precision damage at 15%. That would really help it on PVE without killing off Frenzy since you still need to get a kill and in PVP it would just shift the body shot TTK from 1.20s for tier 4 resilience and up to 1.13s until tier 8 and 1.20s for tier 9 and 10.

  11. Yeah the old MoA increased body shot damage to do the same damage as crits while still increasing damage. Right how it just increases damage by 15%.

  12. IDK man, Heal-Clip Onslaught Summoner feels pretty dang good. Repulsor Brace + Onslaught Ros Arago feels pretty good. (ahem, onslaught feels pretty good)

  13. I got Subsistence/Onslaught Summoner and that thing rips. I really wish I had subsistence or rewind rounds/onslaught Ros Arago for void builds.

  14. Somethings definitely up. I've received no shiny weapons all week even though Ive farmed all week. My friends who I run with have received multiple. I also almost never get the pulse even though thats what Im attuned to.

  15. This thread is showing that people have a severe lack of understanding probability.

  16. I can't believe it took someone saying it out loud for me to realize it's a song about how hard it is for a bro to not cheat.

  17. The video is so funny. The singer is just hunched over on the phone singing the song to the apparent women he wants to cheat with while his SO is doing like laundry behind him.

  18. Who else is making up the raid group? Please tell me Ryan will be there.

  19. Jacob said on his stream last night it’s gonna be him, Charlotte, Rick and Omar with John TDing the stream.

  20. Right how it’s probably my tripod Crux Termination IV. It’s just more fun to shoot three rockets back to back.

  21. I got that one and the clown cartridge/explosive light one and both have impact casing. When an arc season comes around I’m set for rocket DPS.

  22. In PVE auto rifles do better at pulse rifle’s closer ranges and scout rifles can shoot from farther away than pulse’s longer ranges. They’re great in PVP because of the flinch they give with the multiple shots the shoot in a burst. Plus the high impact ones two burst when you hit all head shots.

  23. It gives you like 6 rounds per special pickup iirc, unless Bungie patched it. It kinda acts like a scout rifle, but hits like a truck. It's pretty much a done deal if you challenge a Forerunner at long-mid range, but at close range, you can have the advantage.

  24. Revenge of the Sith had a deleted scene about that (first appearance of Genevieve O'Reilly as Mon Mothma) but it was really neat to get a whole show about it.

  25. If only George Lucas was a better writer. He has great ideas and Andor shows the world he created could be great.

  26. I tried the persistence card a month ago and wasn't aware you had to reset the card if you didn't win the first game.....

  27. I did the same thing on Friday. Got seven wins in like an hour or two and was wondering why I didn’t get an adept summoner. Tried playing more games and getting a win to see if that’s how you get it and then searched around to find a comment from Mercules in the crucible guidebook sub that you need to win twice in a row before it counts. Annoying. I would’ve just started with the passage of wealth from the beginning if I knew that.

  28. Brace yourself for every second Guardian to be wearing Superblack from the 30th onwards

  29. The most boring shader of all time. It was cool in D1 because you could only use one shader at a time but D2’s fashion game is so much better.

  30. Auto Loading and Vorpal or Frenzy for PVE. I guess Impulse Amplifier and Vorpal is the play for PVP but from what I’ve heard it really isn’t that great in PVP anymore.

  31. I'll go by order of what i think are the best ones

  32. Base Caraphract and Edge are basically the same, Adept cata pulls ahead a little bit though due to being able to slot adept mag and rally with 8 in the mag which would let you peak at 24 in the mag with max stacked envious compared to the 18 of Edge

  33. Plus Cataphract has a better weapon to pair surge mods with in Scatter Signal. Edge Transit has Wilderfight sure but that’s only good for the swapping shenanigans speed runners do.

  34. House of Leaves. I started it like 3 times but each time I went on a work trip, forgot it at home and just forgot to keep reading it. Every now and then now I’ll see it and put it in my TBR pile thinking after I’m done with a couple more books I’ll read it but it just keeps either staying at the bottom of the pile or gets moved back to the book shelf. This time for sure I’m gonna get to it.

  35. After seeing how good Indebted Kindness is I need a rocket sidearm for all the elements.

  36. Hopefully a better Strand perk comes with it though. Slice is fine but Hatchling is ehhh.

  37. Fingers crossed that fusion rifle is a rapid fire and can roll Controlled Burst and Rewind Rounds or Reservoir Burst and Reconstruction. It’d be perfect to pair with like Dragon’s Breath or BnS Apex.

  38. Mehh the PVP god roll you’d want for it is gonna be the one you get for the quest so really the only thing you’d grind for is a PVE roll.

  39. Assassin’s Cowl if you have access to it. Works on every subclass except for void.

  40. “I’m not stupid I just look like this”

  41. No once you get the hang of it the different jumps really aren’t that big of a deal.

  42. A joke that gets more and more real as the years go by

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