1. This question and answers just helped me understand how the enhanced input actions work.

  2. Not when they work in law enforcement πŸ™„

  3. Remember when bath salts and fake weed crap was causing issues. In my state they made them illegal pretty quietly, we didn't have any issues with the stuff here so wasn't any news about it. Then like a month or less later they arrested a ton of the cashiers at gas stations and convenience stores for selling illegal drugs. I think only 1 owner was arrested cause he was actually there selling but the rest weren't. My friend was one of the cashiers from a gas station, he spent 2 weeks in jail with no bail and his girlfriend was pregnant and almost due. When he finally was let out, it was into house arrest and he had to wear an ankle monitor. The system is a joke.

  4. Yeah, your friend should have murdered someone on the way there. Then at least he would have been offered bail. /s

  5. I'd imagine the game plays itself with some sort of settings to determine completion percent, skill level, etc. If you really want to experience the plot and the vibe of the game but don't jive with the gameplay and don't want to gamble on watching a streamer play it, that type of thing. Or Alternatively letting it grind for you - I don't want to get my smithing up to 70 but I do want to do song of the elves type deal.

  6. So im 10 months into creating what I call a social-idle game. Its an RTS that players control through twitch chat. Every player has one unit in the army and can customize/give it commands.

  7. Unreal engine dev here and I really want to learn godot just for simple 2d ideas/prototyping.

  8. Kind of me too. But dont you feel like you just trained to climbed mount everest, just to now climb little slopes?

  9. Yeah I feel that. I'm comfortable in UE5 and have dabbled with 2d in it. It's honestly not too bad and there are tons of awesome tricks you can do in it easier than others, specifically lighting/materials. Id definitely make a 2.5hd game in UE5.

  10. I'm 10 months in. Have no idea if this idea will actually work. We've had two alphas to moderate success but it's still just a lot of theory and needs loads of play testing. Imo the hardest part of game dev is knowing when to scrap an idea, I feel like I'm way too invested at this point to make a right turn so might as well pedal to the metal.

  11. What do you mean by a 3d inventory? I'm currently struggling with ui design as well and that sounds like something I could get behind.

  12. No this is pretty cool. Good job! It definitely makes my brain feel better looking at how you did this

  13. Yes, basically, although statements are also nodes. Essentially, Blueprints are wrappers around the underlying C++ function calls, but instead of putting the next statement below the current one, you connect it via wires. The inputs are the parameter list and the output is the return values. You can replicate anything you write in Blueprints using C++.

  14. I'd also like to add that watching a tutorial that simply goes over a lot of the nodes and what they do with use cases is a faster way to learn the engine. At least for me.

  15. I immediately though "dum dum dum dum...tomatoes?" when you said this. Not sure if we're thinking of the same thing.

  16. Can't go wrong with Wadstein but the best tutorial series I watched was on Skillshare of all places. I'll try and update this comment if I can find it.

  17. As someone whom has made a career out of developing extensive sets of tools and editors for AAA game development, I'd say it's the lack of friendly iterative multi-player world creation. What I mean by that is that with the extreme scales and levels of detail with large modern games, there's a lot of stomping on each other's toes, which leads to much wasted work and longer dev cycles.

  18. I think you're able to do this with Unreal Engine Fortnite so maybe it's not that far off.

  19. I've seen a few attempts at this, with none being very viable for large projects yet. It's a daunting feature to support in a fully featured game engine, especially with respect to large streaming worlds, version control, etc.

  20. I think it is just a matter of priorities and resources. Most players don't spend a lot of time using character creators, even in the games that do them really well.

  21. Tell that to my wife. It's tradition for her to spend 2 hrs in character customization. That's how I end up playing as handsome squidward and Tony the Tiger.

  22. How good is your C++? All you really need to do is see a job posting for a programmer and see if you are decent at the things they want. And in your portfolio show off breakdowns and examples of unique features or tools that your programmed.

  23. Not good. I've been all blueprints. I know I need to pick up C++ for my own benefit but have been putting it off πŸ˜ͺ

  24. I'm afraid to be home as a programmer you do need your c++ skills if we use any engineer except unity tbh (then it's c#).

  25. I guess I should be applying as a designer or technical artist then. I don't think C++ will be too difficult for me either. I want to make editor tools too.

  26. This is great advice. I often see people post on here saying β€œI’ve been doing UE for 7 years and still get frustrated with (fill in the blank)”. Doing something for years means nothing unless you are doing it everyday.Β 

  27. This has been me for the last year. Lucky to be able to do that in my life currently.

  28. Pretty amazing how Robinhood is the only broker that's had suits brought against it. Even more amazing how silent Congress is after continually being presented new evidence of collusion between brokers/dealers/mm/hedge funds, all of which were able to continue placing and clearing one sided trades on the same securities that retail was blocked from purchasing.

  29. Almost like it's an open secret or a multi tiered justice system.

  30. whaaaat, the initial setup yea.. but after that GAS seems like it wants you to do most of the work in blueprints. Like abilities and such.

  31. Yeah as a designer, once I understood it, I'm allowed to go crazy with cool ideas.

  32. Imo you're already thinking too big if you are brand new and have little coding knowledge overall. UE5 is a massive learning curve by itself and understanding GAS and its little intricacies will make you give up faster than ever.

  33. Thanks for this. I am developing my first game with one other programmer. We are about a year into creating a strategy game controlled by Twitch chat.

  34. You can absolutely scam and withdrawal with routing and account number ACH transfer ... it is done on a daily basis

  35. Definitely not just rural areas. Driving along I-10 there are some absolutely shockingly dilapidated tar paper shack neighbourhoods that form parts of major cities, like Houston.

  36. My personal favorite irony are the homeless making houses out of politicians' advertisement signs. You know the ones that are giant wooden triangles πŸ”ΊοΈ

  37. The part I hate the most is that no one knows for sure if you are talking about Trump or Biden

  38. Yeah it might be the guy going through like a bazillion fraud trials and wants to fuck his daughter. Could be anyone though.

  39. I'm weight painting and compiling physics with the spring controller in Unreal Engine. It looks fine in the compile preview window until I add it to one of the animations. There's no bounce.

  40. You could also try a plugin called kawaii physics. I've seen some cool stuff with it and it's easy to set up.

  41. I might try that eventually. Seeing what works for me. Still doing tests. lol

  42. Yeah I set up physics on a mewtwo tail one time. Didn't fine tune it but it took like 5 minutes.

  43. its just rotoscoping, some apps like Davinci Resolve Studio can use AI to do it more easily now

  44. Even easier than that. It's a filter inside the effects tab inside of the tiktok app. Any ape could figure it out.

  45. I had the theory that the Dems will let MOASS happen as Trump gets elected next cycle. But who knows

  46. My hope was that dems let MOASS happen and then tax us but I'll also take massive tax cuts from the orange stain if I have to.

  47. Nah. Learn unreal engine and make an RTS/Card game for your first project.

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