1. "Newsweek's content heavily employed slant, a type of media bias in which the publication's writers tell only the side of the story or choose to highlight only information or story topics that favor one side; in this case, Newsweek's content favored liberal or left-wing perspectives and policies."

  2. Ah, there it is. Didn’t read the article, can’t refute the facts, so you have your “magic words” and “blame the messenger” and go with the whole “conspiracy” angle because everyone is out to get poor little trunp.

  3. I never expect any of you idiots to actually read anything, but I wouldn’t want to distract you, comrade. God forbid you get thrown off of a high rise.

  4. Lmao, Rob Zombie's Halloween is trash in comparison to the TCM remake, deal with it.

  5. He’s right. You’re an asshole.

  6. You are stunning and damn close to perfect!

  7. If elected. He is not even going to run imo. Karma is catching up with Donny-boy.

  8. Oh, he’ll run. He has no chance of winning but he’ll keep running as long as he’s alive. Let’s just hope he stops running soon.

  9. Did you fail to read the article?

  10. Are you seriously asking if a magat read something before spouting off their idiotic opinion?

  11. Funny… she’s not considered a feminist hero and it’s 2023

  12. No one has said pedophilia is a sexual preference

  13. Under most circumstances it wouldn't surprise me at all. I had the misfortune of being a teenage girl who went to a lot of gigs in the 90's so I'm extremely aware of how some people react to anonymity and opportunity.

  14. This is awful to hear, but not shocking at all. As a guy who went to lots of shows I saw girls get groped by losers all the time. When I could get to the guy I accosted and told them off, and punched them on a couple occasions. I’m not proud of the fact that I got violent, but I don’t feel bad for the guys at all. This kind of crap is heart breaking, and potentially turned a fun night into an unpleasant situation for someone who was only trying to enjoy themselves. It sucks so bad that some people are so pathetic they can’t keep from assaulting someone just bc they can get aaay with it.

  15. Ah, yes, the old “hating racists makes you a racist” argument these idiots trot out right before they claim the democrats are racists because after the civil war there were democrats involved in stating the klan. Funny how you never see that idiotic confederate flag at any democratic rallies, but one of their treasonous maga idiots carried one through the capitol?

  16. Trigger warnings are the exact opposite of censorship. It’s basically letting anyone who might have an adverse reaction know not to watch or listen to something INSTEAD OF censoring it. If a warning can cause someone to not have a panic attack or spiral into depression, why would you oppose that? It’s just common courtesy.

  17. If anything I would have chosen to go to BB&B once they ousted that traitor if I ever needed anything they had. That day has yet to come.

  18. Or he was running against the least popular president in history and a vast majority of those bites were bites against trunp. So fuck your feelings, traitor

  19. Anyone stupid enough to believe anything trunp has ever said is stupid enough to carry that idiotic flag around. He should be taught, though, that the only confederate flag that matters is white.

  20. It’s actually an excellent question that should always be asked of anyone giving testimony.

  21. I mean, you don’t have to be either of them but I’d rather be around Madonna.

  22. All decent and intelligent people are embarrassed of that pos. Also, she looks like a horse skull wrapped in chicken skin wearing a bad wig.

  23. Yes, they really need to investigate those imaginary church and pro-life center burnings. And I’d love them to investigate the “rioting” and find exactly who is responsible.

  24. You could say the same thing about trunp supporters. The only difference is it would be true.

  25. I believe the one who doesn’t look like a horse skull wrapped in chicken skin wearing a bad wig.

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