1. I'm not scared of them I'm just tired of being one shot by rockets

  2. Kinda. Still bounces on heavy armor though so it's pretty useless against a charger. It seems flamethrower and arc thrower are the best for killing chargers.

  3. It takes like 8 or show shots however if multiple people are using it against the charger it's damage seems to increase allowing 3-4 shot kills.

  4. Apparently players are reporting that armor still doesn't work (or that armor was fixed and that it has such little impact it may as well be the same)

  5. It's likely an old build/idea nothing more. It does however look nice.

  6. I haven't had that issue in a bit now. I believe it was patched several days ago. Otherwise I have no fix for it. You can try joining a friend or other player directly from steam and see if that works.

  7. Sorry to hear that. And no worries! Don’t worry the first two weren’t that good anyway lol. It will probably spawn in a couple days👍

  8. That's unfortunate to hear. Hopefully the rest of the season is good. Last season had some good ones but I honestly found most of the overarching story last season lost my interest. The episodes that were just classic murdoch seemed better at least to me.

  9. I concur I did not enjoy the finale last season. However, looking at this season’s ratings and descriptions it looks better than S16

  10. I don't think it's exactly resetting. I believe the system that's in place basically works like a kill death ratio but with mission completion or successes. Obviously the more helldivers complete a mission on a planet it works towards liberation of said planet. However the more missions lost on said planet negativity effect the score.

  11. It will Definitely be interesting to see how the meta changes once armor is fixed. Hopefully it gets fixed soon along with buffing certain weapons and stratagems.

  12. This game is very much designed around playing in a party and not solo. Can it be done sure but you're going to have a much more difficult time. I have seen people praise the jump pack in solo due to the avoidance of enemies.

  13. Thanks for the advice but I have been enjoying the game and I have no reason to refund after getting more hours of enjoyment from the game then I spent on it. Especially when it comes to a free armor set that has the same perks as armor that's already available in the game (for free) and wasn't promised to me for purchasing the game.

  14. I'm unsure a lot of people still can't claim theirs because it says it is unavailable for their region. It was supposed to be fixed today but I guess not

  15. Supposedly after like 15 minutes of waiting you will get back to your normal forever queue.

  16. Athena is definitely my favorite to play her shield is my favorite skill out of all the games. She's probably my favorite character in the series.

  17. I finally fixed my issue, which apparently was nothing like the issues you guys are having. I had to lower my Series X from 120 FPS to 60 and the black screen flickering went away.

  18. That just feels like piper in general. He either has really good runs where you get everything for either rats or flute and he can melt things or he's a wet noodle.

  19. Plus side I won't be spending any money on it. Downside more edgy armor for hunter.

  20. If a laspistol is good enough for Hero of The Imperium, Commisar Cain, then it is good enough for me

  21. That's not fair he can duel wield. If they let us duel wield a chain sword and las pistol I would be extremely happy.

  22. Are you splitting enemy threats between the Barb and the rest of the party or focus firing him entirely? How is he going down so often in terms of abilities/tactics being used?

  23. The barb purposely runs up to enemies (not really an issue) however the barb also doesn't really position well in order to account for enemies using range. So the barb runs into say a group of two archers and 3 sword users. They are standing in an area that prevents the sword users from getting to the rest of the group so the can really only attack the barb (or suffer opportunity attacks) the archers target the other threats such as casters or so on. This still causes the barb to be attacked by three enemies due to their placement.

  24. 3 enemies focusing one person by itself is likely going to be a problem if the encounter is any level of difficulty that wouldn’t be a snoozefest

  25. Which 90% of the time encounters aren't snoozefests. However randomly you get bandits or what have you that the party is is just like "You really are trying to mess with us?"

  26. You can edit certain things like ember and what relics show up, but the game doesn’t have modding support as of now

  27. Yea i agree. Although the game itself doesn’t have a lot of content I got everything 100% in a few days or a week and then got bored

  28. I had a similar issue on the rog ally. I was using it plugged into a monitor with a separate controller. I had to disable the built in controller for it to recognize it.

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