1. Dawg me personally i would hit it and i would go away after getting back to together for like a week

  2. I heard lasers were cool af

  3. Latinas gonna be cooking

  4. No Latinas at my school because I live in Europe😓

  5. Sometimes i wish i had an edgar

  6. Definitely a slice of pineapple and u on the side

  7. Its actually very relaxing

  8. They nosy asf 😔 plus her mom works at our school

  9. If she obsessed enough she gonna keep it on the low u just gotta push her buttons right

  10. Dam u like like her u cooked

  11. One of my exes was ugly

  12. Thats future you’s problem if u ask me

  13. Three months rule is real

  14. Being on the roster is crazy

  15. They all knew what i was so it aint all my fault

  16. Ive tried but it always feels wrong because it isnt her. Itll help in the short term but just makes me feel like shit bc it isnt her

  17. Bro u is in love cause u fuckin cooked like salmon

  18. Ik im cooked bro thats why im on here asking for advice😭😭

  19. Get sum pussy shit magical

  20. U gotta be goated with the sauce

  21. Dam u wanna make dreams come true

  22. He good good but fr kanye is a staple like no blunt rotation is complete wo kanye

  23. This mf has a full time job and wife and kids waiting at home aint no way

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