1. Check what SATA to USB controller is being used. I remember some ASMedia ones being difficult which required you to set some quirks because they'd randomly disconnect.

  2. Jo die 15€ zahlt man doch heutzutage lediglich als Grundgebühr ohne auch nur eine kWh verbraucht zu haben.

  3. This is an area that always struck me, why aren't there rich Americans who are proud of paying a lot in taxes? Doesn't that make them the MOST American?

  4. Cheating the system in every possible way while kicking the ones below you IS the most American way.

  5. Jet engines cause condensation trails to form in the sky. To those nutjobs that's the government dumping chemicals onto us, hence chemtrails. Of course the theories range from making it rain to mass mindcontrol and whatnot.

  6. Also never buy faucets, sinks, etc. from your plumber. We were renovating and the plumbers left us a catalogue. We cross-referenced it with an online hardware store and found out the plumbers were charging more than triple the amount it cost at the store.

  7. Not a kid, but I am bored of the VR market too. It's filled with a bunch of mobile-level games. I've stopped playing VR since Half-Life Alyx because no other game even comes close. Game devs have stopped pursuing those high-level experiences.

  8. No one buys souvenirs in Switzerland because it’s expensive.

  9. Having had a layover in Zürch before: Yeah, because the only "souvenirs" you guys seem to offer are watches that start at a couple thousand dollars. /s

  10. I do that for my personal console but I’m flipping these so I want to keep expenses low. The PS3 (what this is going into) can’t make use of ssd speeds anyways

  11. Exactly my doubt! Their passport is American, their citizenship is of US, so why are they even immigrants??

  12. Because Puerto Rico is US territory, not a US state.

  13. Yep and that makes zero sense. What's the use of them having that US passport when it makes Puerto Ricans as people from different territory who have to then follow migration procedures into the states?

  14. They don't, they can just move to the mainland since they are US citizens.

  15. Factory workers had unions, they still brought in robots.

  16. just make sure you get qbittorent, transmission, or deluge if you really want to torrent

  17. It's wild that utorrent still has almost

  18. Ich will ja nicht unhöflich klingen, aber mal abgesehen von der höchst fragwürdigen Logik, dass der Käse an den Seiten heruntergelaufen sei und sich dann als solide Scheibe am Boden gesammelt hat, sollten die beiden (oder sogar mehr) anwesenden, erwachsenen Personen in der Lage sein geschmolzen Käse von Plastik zu unterscheiden. Bei solch einer Fantasie hat die Oma sich entweder ordentlich einen durchgezogen, zeigt lediglich nur Boomer-typische Unfehlbarkeit und gaslightet euch daher oder die Demenz lässt grüßen.

  19. It happened to yet quite often that there were letters of someone else put to my letterbox. And also that neighbours had letters of mine. Maybe there's someone in your building with a slightly similar lastname? Maybe it happens by accident when they open their own pile of letters and then notice afterwards there were letters not addressed for them. A lot of maybes but also an option.

  20. Sure can happen once or twice. After that you'd start to double check the names, no?

  21. For all it's worth. This is a SERIOUS offence. Might as well get the police involved.

  22. Yup. Briefgeheimnis is a constitutional right, Article 10 GG.

  23. I can't do that. When I hold the vol+ and vol- it just shows the Nintendo logo and then the Console turns off And it does not do anything at all. And the same is happening when I am in Hekate and press restart And then OFW . But thanks for your help

  24. In Hekate -> Console Info -> HW & Fuses -> 3rd line, "burned fuses". It should tell you which HOS version your OFW was on based on which fuses got burned.

  25. Das Schild steht auf dem Fußweg. Wenn da ein Auto ranbummst hat es glaube ich ganz andere Probleme … dann müsste man ja auch an jede Laterne Reflektoren machen, oder?

  26. Dann halt für die Radfahrer. Laternen stehen in der Regel am Rand des Gehsteigs, manche Schilder jedoch "mitten" im im Weg. Wenn es dunkel ist sieht man die dünnen Stahlpfosten wirklich sehr schlecht, insbesondere wenn man mit Astigmatism von Autos und Straßenbeleuchtung geblendet wird.

  27. Fehlt dann nicht die Reflektion an sich? Damit mans auch im Dunkeln sieht?

  28. Das ist eine Reflektorfolie, kein Metalmesh.

  29. Almost every talk is AIshit or Azure, I don't think we are the target audience.

  30. Yup. MAUI and Blazor don't print money. Telling people how great Azure and all of its fun Ai-capabilities are does.

  31. Ich kaufe da nie was. Aber ist der Alkohol nicht auch deutlich günstiger? Weil die Steuern sind bei Alk ja auch sehr hoch.

  32. Drives me crazy that phones in fucking 2024 are made out of glass ON BOTH SIDES. Like surely; there’s a material that we can put in the phone like titanium, that doesn’t break, and looks great. But no, we’re left with this shit specifically to make the manufacturers more money.

  33. Can't have wireless charging through metals. And people don't think plastic is "premium" enough for their $1000 phone.

  34. And wireless signals apparently are easier through glass instead of metal.

  35. In Bayern stehen die Bullen überall und ziehen die Autofahrer beiseite. Bluttest wegen Verdacht auf Fahren unter dem Einfluss von Betäubungsmitteln. Da kommen dann homeopatische Ergebnisse bei raus und schwupp gibt's entsprechendes Bußgeld und Punkte.

  36. Die gute Frau muss aber ganz schön was weggequarzt haben, um über 48h über 2ng/ml gewesen zu sein

  37. Die gute Frau gönnt sich öfter mal, da ist das durchaus möglich. Stoned geht die jedoch nicht hinters Steuer.

  38. Es gibt einige Telemedizin-Firmen welche sich speziell auf Cannabis-Privatrezepte "spezialisiert" haben. Diese nehmen in der Regel nur Patienten die eine entsprechende psychologische Vorerkrankung nachweisen können, z. B. mittels einer alten AU wegen Depressionen. Dann kann dir einer derer Ärzte nach einem kurzen Gespräch ein entsprechendes Rezept verschreiben. Menge und Sorte soll man wohl mehr oder weniger selbst bestimmen können - also natürlich nicht offiziell.

  39. Ich habe für mein online Rezept 14,90€ gezahlt, Rezept hatte ich 2 Tage später, Bestellung bei der Apotheke ist raus. 7,50€ pro Gramm plus Versandkosten finde ich auch fair.

  40. Inzwischen ja, bis 31.03. war dem nicht so.

  41. Because it's not on? The first line gets evaluated and comes to the result that the two conditions (&& means AND) aren't true and thus it skips the code block, hence why it's faded out.

  42. Not quite, a little too high, hence why some of the lines didn't really stick and why there is gaps between the perimeters and infill. It's overall quite even though so I'd just set the z-offset a tiny bit lower to get a uniform first layer and you should be fine.

  43. Without ABL you can pretty much forget about the default magnetic bed, it's just too warped especially when heated. BLTouch clones are less than 20 bucks on Amazon nowadays, just get one.

  44. My guess would be either a clog or filament not melting as fast as you're extruding.

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