1. I think the answer is a bit more complicated than a yes/no. I after my endoscopy, doc said that exercise doesn’t affect it. However, exercise and physical activity speeds up your metabolism which COULD, emphasis on the “could”, cause a bit of discomfort. But that’s really just depends on the severity of your gastritis and how intense you plan to exercise. I’d say give it a shot. I’ve been exercising through my healing process and I haven’t had any major problems. But obviously if it bothers you too much then stop for a while.

  2. Yeah I get overly bloated sometimes even tho my endoscopy showed it is healing and starting to go away. Really just make sure you pay attention to portion sizes and just eat a little slower to give your stomach enough time to signal your brain that it’s full. At least that’s what I do and it helps

  3. Ya know, I’ve actually thought about this. But I don’t think so. I think it’s goofy that some players take whatever streamers say as gospel, but I don’t think they’re ruining the game. They usually aren’t very good at the game themselves anyway and need someone else to tell them how to play rather than experimenting and learning the game on their own. Goes for any video game really.

  4. Less likely to run into the exploitative try-hard streamer kids. Console players just play the game. Kick back, controller in lap, and run some noobs up a wall in TDM or Domination

  5. Oh man, bunch of things. Mostly because I just see everyone around me in relationships/marriages and just seems like I missed the boat (im a 25m). Didn’t really have any luck with matches in high school. Spent most of my college career by myself and lost the drive, and just decided to re-focus my energy on myself and have been a lot happier for it actually. Hit the gym by myself, maintain my hobbies, trying to build a career, saving for a house. Don’t really have the motivation for a relationship and I honestly feel like the lone-wolf mentality has been built into my character at this point. I’d love to meet a nice girl and be happily married for the rest of my life and have a loving family, but as I get older its just starting to seem like one of those things that happens to others and not me.

  6. Dont know where youre from or what the norm is there, but 25 is not a too late factor by itself. Plenty of people dont even start a big relationship and kids until 30s. Depends if thats what you want of course but 25 isnt the reason.

  7. Yeah I see what you mean. And I guess I shouldn’t say “missed the boat.” It’s more like I’ll have to be a bit more patient for the next opportunity. It’s already been 6 years for me since my last relationship that didn’t really go well. And if I’m waiting for my early to mid 30’s, that’s another 5-10 years of doing what I’m currently doing. That’s a long time. Who knows what could happen in that amount of time tho I guess.

  8. Can you share your diet?just some insights ,i been eating rice,sweet potato,oatmeal,chicken and salmon and spinach..also doing some smoothies consist of banana,blueberries,almond butter,collagen with almond milk.Been wanting to gain weight I guess my stomach is not healing yet and i still have sone burping and a little discomfort.

  9. It’s definitely a non-linear process. Some days will feel better than others. Some days you’ll accidentally eat something you thought was fine and it’ll flair up. For the most part your diet sounds pretty good. I stayed away from nuts as they contain natural oils which may cause flair ups due to their inflammatory properties. But it really depends on if it bothers you or not. Blueberries are definitely an acidic food and I avoided because they actually caused problems for me. Which sucks because I love blueberries, cherries, and all of those super-food berries. But truth is they’re just naturally very acidic and not too good for your stomach lining if you’re trying to heal it.

  10. Thank u!Did u take any supplement or PPI? Yes,it sucks got endoscopy last 1st week of june and mild chronic inactive gastritis no hyplori…it doesn’t feel mild at all😂i did bland diet that time no PPI and by august just woke up with no symptoms at all even reflux is gone and no tiredness and I thought i was healed completely and I sleep good (dont have any info about gastritis at all)then i went back eating sushi ,chinese food and all (eating white a lot to gain back my weight)and i did pay attention and it did give me warning having burping and discomfort and booomm it flared up last sept and this time it give me anxiety already,the fear of thinking that it will be like this forever and loosing weight scares me,and having thinking that this food will give me pain..Now ease up a little bit and I know i will wake up again with no symptoms at all like it did last aug but it will take time.

  11. I didn’t take any supplements other than the probiotic and yes the PPI I’m taking is Pantoprazole. As for diet, I’d try making some changes for the long term or even permanently. If there are foods you know make it flair up, then you may need to avoid those for the long term. Remember there is a reason it makes your symptoms flair up. I was just reading today, and can’t help but agree with, that there’s a reason why your body has reacted the way it has (unless you have tested positive for H Pylori or were diagnosed with a hiatal hernia) and the goal should be to make the changes needed to get yourself to heal rather than to get back to what you were doing before, because what you were doing before is what put you in your current situation. Returning to your old lifestyle will just bring you back full circle.

  12. Really just depends on the loadout you plan on running. Border crossing tho? Eff that kid. Good luck. My performance is literally a toss up on that map😂

  13. Shiii…I get so mad at that sometimes. But then I stop and think well…if I wasn’t running around like a chimp high on speed it wouldn’t be affecting me as badly😂

  14. Dang for 25 buck that’s a steal. Solid game I loved it, plus a ton of replay-ability and a fairly engaging multiplayer system. Would definitely recommend if you got the extra 25 bucks lying around🤙

  15. Seriously😂 I’m having a harder time in DMZ than I did playing through the entire campaign on Veteran. I don’t even bring items in with me anymore because I know 50% of the time I lose everything in the first 5 minutes. And not even on a strong hold or a point of interest! Just random AIs that show up in a fucking helicopter or on an armored truck and shove their AK74u with no stock up my ass from 60 meters away

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