1. I’m having a blast with Wasteland 3 right now. I think it’s fine for short sessions.

  2. Elite Dangerous scratched that itch for me for a loooong time. Currently I'm playing x4 which is pure adhd hyper fixation dopamine drip

  3. I've tried about 10 times and can't figure out x4 enough to solidly begin. Do you have any tips or videos you used?

  4. Practically all of them. I love the genre. I end up quitting about 30 hours into all of them. The ones that I have completed are:

  5. I like that idea, I would support his face being used as well. Knowing how remedy has been innovative in some way with each new game, I could see them possibly utilizing AI for the voice. I just also wonder if they may not due to it being possibly seen as insensitive by some considering his recent passing.

  6. Pay his family for his likeness with their permission. That's not insensitive that's best case scenario.

  7. Unfortunately, James McCaffrey (who voiced Max) passed away last year. We may get the same look, but the voice won't be the same.

  8. I know I'll get crap for this but this is where AI replacing voice actors gets my vote. Continuing on his legacy as max payne and somehow giving money for his likeness to his estate (his family) seems to be a great move for all involved.

  9. I'd definitely go for low settings. Ideally if you can stream it through a more legit PC via like steam remote play or parsec or something you'll have a vastly better experience. I'm doing that right now actually on a Lenovo laptop.

  10. I can't say I've heard of those two things. How do you go about doing Steam Remote play or Parsec?

  11. If you have steam installed on your gaming pc and your tablet, phone or laptop it's built in. Just follow the instructions to play remotely from your weaker device. Your hardware will be utilized on the more powerful machine and stream it to whatever. I normally plug in my laptop to a big screen for this.

  12. Almost every 4X game save for Civilzation. People rant and rave about Europa Universalis but man I can't do it

  13. You'd like sins of a solar empire most likely. Relatively simple, mechanics wise and lots of fun.

  14. Think this varies based on country and region. Living in the South many men and women flat out will not date outside their race ever and are vocal about it.

  15. Most indeed do date within their race but I live in the south and married outside my race as did many people around me. It's not a big deal in the south at all.

  16. Definitely not a big deal. I guess I'm just speaking about how, on average, things turn out.

  17. I have a massive backlog of ps1 era rpgs but my wife simply hates watching me play them due to graphics and lack of voice over.

  18. FFX and 13 will have similar futurism vibes and X will have closer combat style to 7,8,9.

  19. Great, invest 100 million and make bg3 thats got half the content with good writing and you'll make a ton of money forever.

  20. I hope they make a sci-fi game next. I like their takes on fantasy worlds, it's time they tackle a futuristic world.

  21. I really think they could take shadowrun to the next level. There's so much good lore

  22. I was kind of hoping for a DLC or two for BG3, but at the same time I'm glad they're letting their creativity decide the next project rather than profits. Now I'm hoping they end up going back to Divinity but with BG3 production values.

  23. I'm certain they will and they're going to make a fortune not having to pay Hasbro

  24. Idk how I finished FF15 I hated everything about it after I got the ship. I had no idea what the plot was, new gameplay mechanics were incomprehensible, I hated the fishing mini game.

  25. It's for those that are passing through.

  26. Poor lost souls. Like Moses and the Israelites, we can only hope they find their way out of the desert someday

  27. Maybe. I enjoy Waco. It's not too big, not too small, suburban crime and schools absolutely destroy most of the rest of Texas. Property is still relatively inexpensive (though that's changing). The average income is sorta low but there's still many well paying jobs and obviously remote work is becoming more popular.

  28. I never use railcannon strike on a charger, but we always bring the good ol' EAT. One EAT, exposed mEAT - then you can easily kill by shooting that area - which is mostly leg (it supposed to kill it by a head hit, but I just cannot hit it in the correct spot). On the bile titan tho... yes, however EAT works on them too, just... 2-3...

  29. I thought there was a ton of reading required for Disco Elysium or is everything 100% voice acted now?

  30. I just feel like I'm playing the same game every time and any decisions to be made or progression seems fairly obvious.

  31. I was the same with tactics for years, but just recently played through it. Once you get the mechanics down, grinding becomes the best part of the game

  32. Honestly I just have to space out games where I read a lot. My wife hates reading while watching me play games.

  33. You cant penetrate charger legs with railgun anymore, atleast on safemode

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